2 Kings 6:11-16 – Syrians Find Out About Elisha

The Syrian army find out that Elisha hears and reports on all of their military plans

As the story of Naaman and the prophet Elisha is told in 2 Kings, we learn that word of Elisha’s miracles had spread far and wide. One such miracle involves a Syrian commander named Naaman, who was a leper. His wife, however, had a Hebrew slave-girl who reported to her husband that there was a Jewish prophet in Samaria who could heal him. When Naaman hears of this, he sends his lord back to Aram asking that he arrange to visit this prophet in Israel.

Naaman meets Elisha, who, though he doesn’t know Naaman personally, has heard of his reputation as the man of God. Instead of resolving to cure the commander’s leprosy, the prophet dismisses him and tells him to wash seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman is unwilling to obey, but eventually he does and is healed. He wants to reward the prophet, but Elisha refuses his offering. Elisha’s servant Gehazi takes the money anyway, and is struck with leprosy as punishment.

When the king of Syria sees this, he becomes very angry. He is convinced that someone in his service must be revealing his secret battle plans to the king of Israel. He therefore decides to capture the prophet and take him prisoner (2 Kings 6:11-16).

Once captured, the king of Syria finds himself in a very precarious situation. He knows that the king of Israel has the power to free him, but he is unsure how to proceed. He appeals to the prophet for help, and Elisha tells him that he can escape by taking refuge in a place on the edge of the town (verses 19-20).

This is no ordinary city. It is located on a hill, giving it a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. The watchmen in the city must have been very surprised when they saw a large army approach the city from below.

When the soldiers surround Elisha, he prays for G-d to blind them. His prayer is granted, and the men are unable to recognize him or his house. Elisha then offers to lead them to the person they are looking for, and they follow him willingly (verses 26-27). It is interesting that he leads them to Samaria. He is clearly attempting to show that he is the man they are looking for, but, by this action, he shows them that it is ultimately up to them to meet God and not him.

Syrians Find Out About Elisha

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