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Bible Study Guide For Acts 21

Using the Bible Study Guide For Acts 21, you’ll learn how Paul arrives in Jerusalem, how he’s arrested, and how he speaks to the crowd. Acts 21:1-16 On to Jerusalem…


God Sees and is Aware of EVERYTHING You Go Through – Genesis 16:13

When you are going through tough times in life, sometimes you feel like you are all alone. In these moments, it can help to know that God sees and is…


No One Can Serve Two Masters – Matthew 6:24

If you are a Christian you have heard the saying, No one can serve two masters. In fact, it is one of the main principles in Christ’s teachings. But is…


Bible Study Guide For Acts 20 – Through Macedonia and Greece

Whether you’re new to Bible study or you’re an experienced disciple, the Bible Study Guide for Acts 20 will help you make the most of your Bible study time. With…


Bible Study Guide For Acts 19 – PAUL IN EPHESUS

Whether you are a new Christian or just a casual reader of the Bible, the Bible Study Guide For Acts 19 – PAUL IN EPHESUS can help you read the…


Bible Study Guide For Acts 18

Using the Bible Study Guide For Acts chapter18, you can learn the major events in Paul’s ministry. These events include his teaching at Corinth, his departure from Corinth, his arrival…

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Bible Study Guide For Acts 17

Whether you’re new to studying the Bible or just looking for a little extra help, a Bible Study Guide For Acts 17 can be a useful resource. This article provides…


Bible Study Guide For Acts 16

Whether you want to read about the Apostle Paul and his imprisonment in Acts 16, or you want to learn more about the conversion of Lydia and the church in…


Acts 15: 1-35 Salvation Through Faith Alone

During this time, the Jews were attacking Christianity from within and from without, and the apostles’ Peter and Paul were defending the faith. They were explaining that salvation is not…


What Does Acts Chapter 15 Mean?

              Upon reading Acts chapter 15, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. The chapter is full of information about Paul’s first missionary journey,…