I Am the Resurrection and the Life – John 11:25-26

I am the resurrection and the life John 112526

I am the resurrection and the life – John 11:25-26

The Lord Jesus’ claims about His power over death were central to His message. They were a cornerstone of His teachings and the foundation of most modern Christian faiths. In fact, the apostle Paul testified that this was a key part of his own message (Acts 23:6; Romans 6:23).

Resurrection and eternal life are not something that Christians will receive at the end of their lives but rather something they now possess. It’s the gift of God to believers that allows them to live a truly fulfilling life based on spiritual truths.

Martha’s response to these words was based on her assumption that Jesus meant Lazarus would be raised in the future at the final resurrection. But in reality, Jesus was referring to the resurrection that takes place in the present.

This was an important moment in Martha’s life that allowed the Master to reveal a little more of His power and pre-eminence to her. It also gave her an opportunity to confess her faith in Him and affirm that He was the promised Messiah who could resurrect all of humanity.

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