Search Me O God and Know My Heart – Psalm 139:23-24

Search me O God and know my heart  Psalm 1392324

Search me O God and know my heart – Psalm 139:23-24

David asked God to examine his heart, to see if he had any wicked way or sin in his life. This may have been because he was aware of some ungodly thought or action that was distracting him from following God.

In addition to the search and test of his heart, David also asked that God would look into his thoughts. He is asking God to help him align his thinking with God’s perspective, and to find ways of living that align with God’s plan for him.

The Hebrew word for heart is levav, which means “inner parts.” It includes the thoughts of the mind. When God knows our thoughts, He is able to change them and guide us in ways that will benefit our souls.

As for our actions, we need to be willing to submit to the Lord’s correction of them. We can do this by acknowledging our sin, confessing it to the Lord, and committing to repentant obedience.

This can be done through a prayer like the one in this psalm, or through some form of regular discipline. It may be something as simple as spending time each day in a quiet, reflective setting to study the Scriptures and pray for God’s guidance and protection.

In a world where people are constantly being exposed to the ways of the enemy, it is essential to seek the Lord for His direction in all matters, including the thoughts and actions we take. He is the only one who can truly see into our hearts, and He is the only One who can lead us in the ways that are true and eternal (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

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