Superbook SuperVerse 058: 1 John 5:18 – Turn From Sin

Introducing “Superbook SuperVerse 058: 1 John 5:18 – Turn From Sin,” brought to you by Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte. In this video by Superbook, join Gizmo for fun and exciting Bible lessons. Today’s SuperVerse is 1 John 5:18 – Turn From Sin. If you’re ready, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest episodes and more Superbook Shows. And don’t forget to check out GizmoGO! on YouTube for younger viewers.

Before we delve into today’s SuperVerse, let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever told your parents something untrue, like finishing your homework when you didn’t? What do you call it when someone asks you to do the dishes and you don’t do them? And if you take something that doesn’t belong to you, what is that called? These are all examples of sin, which is any thought or behavior that is displeasing to God and goes against his Word. But fear not, when we believe in Jesus and accept him as our savior, we become God’s children. While we may still sin, God’s strength helps us resist the temptations of the devil. So turn from sin and follow God today, and if you want to learn more about right and wrong, download the free Superbook Bible app. So join us for this exciting lesson and don’t forget to like and subscribe.

Superbook SuperVerse 058: 1 John 5:18 – Turn From Sin

Discover more about the Superbook SuperVerse 058: 1 John 5:18 - Turn From Sin.


Hello everyone! Are you ready for today’s SuperVerse? Before we get started, let’s take a moment to think about some questions. Have you ever told your parents something that wasn’t true, like saying you finished your homework when you didn’t? What about when your dad asked you to do the dishes and you didn’t do them? Or have you ever taken something that doesn’t belong to you? These are all examples of something called sin. But what exactly is sin? Well, sin is any thought or behavior that is displeasing to God and goes against His Word. Now that we have a better understanding of sin, let’s dive into today’s SuperVerse.

The Definition of Sin

Sin is anything that goes against the desires and teachings of God. It can be something we think, say, or do that is not pleasing to Him. Examples of sin include lying, disobeying, and stealing. When we sin, we separate ourselves from God’s perfect plan for our lives.

The Practice of Sinning

While everyone, including Christians, may sometimes sin, the important thing to remember is that God’s children do not make a practice of sinning. This means that when we believe in Jesus, accept Him as our Savior, and become God’s children, we no longer have to continually live in a state of sin. We have the power and strength from God to resist the temptations of the devil and turn away from a lifestyle of sin.

Being Held Securely by God

One of the amazing benefits of being God’s children is that we are held securely by Him. He watches over us and protects us from the evil one. This means that the devil cannot touch us or have control over us. Knowing that we are securely held by God should give us confidence and assurance in our faith.

The Devil’s Influence

While we are held securely by God, it’s important to remember that the devil will still try to tempt us and lead us astray. He will try to get us to lie, disobey, steal, and commit other sinful acts. However, we have the power to resist his temptations.

Resisting the Devil’s Temptations

God equips us with the strength and knowledge to resist the devil’s temptations. He helps us discern right from wrong and guides us on the right path. When we are faced with temptation, we can turn to God for help and ask Him to give us the strength to resist. By relying on God’s strength, we can overcome temptation and choose to do what is right.

Asking God for Forgiveness

Even though we may try our best to resist temptation, there may be times when we make mistakes and sin. The good news is that God is always ready to forgive us when we come to Him with a repentant heart. When we ask God for forgiveness, He cleanses us from our sins and restores our relationship with Him. It’s important to remember that forgiveness is not a license to continue sinning, but rather an opportunity to turn away from sin and follow God’s path.

Following God’s Path

To live a life that pleases God, it is essential to follow His path. This means making intentional choices to align our thoughts, words, and actions with His desires for us. We can do this by studying His Word, seeking His guidance, and surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who encourage us in our faith.

Resources to Learn More about Right and Wrong

If you want to learn more about what is right and wrong, you can explore various resources available to you. One such resource is the free Superbook Bible app. Through this app, you can play fun games and watch free Superbook episodes that teach valuable lessons about morality and faith. Remember, learning about right and wrong is an ongoing process, and it’s important to continually seek knowledge and grow in your understanding.


In conclusion, sin is anything that goes against God’s desires and teachings. As God’s children, we have the power to resist temptation and turn away from a lifestyle of sin. We are held securely by God, and He helps us discern right from wrong. When we make mistakes, we can always ask God for forgiveness and choose to follow His path. By turning away from sin and following God, we can live a life that pleases Him. Remember to seek resources, like the Superbook Bible app, to continue learning and growing in your faith journey.

Learn more about the Superbook SuperVerse 058: 1 John 5:18 - Turn From Sin here.

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