Christians Pray For an Unbeliever

Praying for an Unbeliever

God extends His mercy to unbelievers, not wanting any to perish. He invites everyone to come to Him in repentance and faith.

Heavenly Father, grant (name) eyes to see the goodness of Jesus! Remove Satan’s blinding influence. Give him a new spirit and heart of flesh to live for You with undivided devotion.

1. Open Their Eyes to See Christ

Prayers for unbelievers must always be rooted in biblical truth. This includes praying that God would open their eyes to see Christ. Asking that the Lord remove any spiritual blindness, that their minds are healed from mental strongholds, and that all deception (personal belief systems, philosophies, or logic that contradicts Scripture) will be overcome.

For example, you may be married to an unbelieving husband. He does things that are against God’s precepts and it grieves your heart. Pray that God would help him to realize that his actions are sinful. Also pray that he would repent and that God would grant him salvation. This is the only way he will have peace and joy.

2. Open Their Hearts to Believe the Gospel

Prayers for unbelievers are a great way to get biblical truths in front of them. Pray that God would open their hearts to believe the Gospel. Ask that their personal belief systems and philosophies that contradict God’s word will be demolished.

Pray that they will see the freedom that only comes from becoming a bondservant of Christ. Show them that being obedient to His decrees and laws out of love for Him will bring them joy and glory.

Help them to choose to receive Your grace and believe with their hearts that Jesus is the only way to Your presence. Remove Satan’s blinding influence, Lord, that they might choose Your forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. Amen.

3. Remove Satan’s Blinding Influence

Satan has the ability to manipulate even the most devoted believer. He has many strategies that appear subtle. His goal is to make lies look like truth and unbelievers look like believers. He is a master counterfeiter.

The Bible describes his schemes. In II Corinthians 4:4, it says that “the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.”

Satan often uses people and circumstances to hinder. It is important to pray that the Lord remove these spiritual veins and give people the ability to discern his presence. Pray that the Lord convicts them of his lies and frees them from their cultic beliefs. Help them to leave their snare and seek Jesus with all their hearts. May the Lord protect them from any attempts to lure them back into the snare.

4. Help Them See the Weight of What He Was Put Through

When a person is under the heavy weight of sin, it can be difficult to see what Jesus has done for them. As a result, they can think that they’re not in God’s good grace. Pray that the Lord would help them to understand that nothing—no angels, no demons, no powers, no height, no depth, not even death—can separate them from Christ’s love.

Sympathizing with their suffering and caring for them as Christians should be the goal of all relational evangelism. Whether they are sick, struggling in marriage, or dealing with addictions, praying for them with biblical filter opens the door for a deeper conversation. They’re more likely to be open to your invitation for salvation and repentance. This is a crucial step in their journey to becoming believers.

5. Help Them See Christ as the Only Way

A deep concern for nonbelievers is at the heart of Jesus’ relational evangelism. He was always aware of their spiritual need, and He demonstrated it by meeting their needs on a daily basis through His provision and care. In the same way, you can show your concern by empathizing with them and praying for their needs biblically.

Pray that God grants them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth. Pray that they escape from the snare of the devil, who has captured them to do his will.

Help them to see that Christ is the only way to a better life, and that there’s no fellowship with darkness (1 John 1:7). Show them that true freedom comes only in being a bondservant of Christ.

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