Baby Moses (Exodus 1-2)

Explore the remarkable story of Baby Moses from Exodus chapters 1 and 2 through a creative and engaging video by Saddleback Kids. This delightful children’s ministry offers unique ways for parents to connect their kids with the weekly lessons from Saddleback Church, making biblical stories both enjoyable and accessible.

Dive into the adventure as Moses begins his extraordinary journey—from being hidden by his mother to drifting down the Nile, and finally to being discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter. Join in this storytelling experience that captures how Moses, an Israelite boy who wasn’t supposed to live, grew up in the Egyptian palace, setting the stage for his incredible destiny.

Baby Moses (Exodus 1-2)

Historical Context

The Setting in Egypt

Egypt was a land of incredible wealth and advanced civilization, thriving under the rule of Pharaohs who were considered gods on Earth. The Nile River was the lifeline of this ancient kingdom, contributing to Egypt’s prosperity with its fertile banks and predictable flooding patterns. This great river was also the setting for the beginning of one of the Bible’s most profound stories—that of Moses.

Israelites in Egypt

The Israelites, descendants of Joseph and his brothers from the time when Joseph rose to power as Pharaoh’s right-hand man, had settled in Egypt and had grown numerous over time. However, the favorable conditions they initially enjoyed began to deteriorate as a new Pharaoh came into power, one who knew nothing of Joseph or the contributions he made to Egypt.

Pharaoh’s Governance

Pharaoh’s rule was absolute and ruthless. Under his reign, the Egyptian workforce flourished, often at the expense of the subjugated peoples living within its borders. Pharaoh viewed the growing number of Israelites not as contributors to Egyptian society, but as a potential threat to his power. Determined to control them, Pharaoh enacted measures that would begin a dark chapter in Israelite history.

Pharaoh’s Oppression of the Israelites

Fear of Israelite Population

Pharaoh’s fear was rooted in the rapid growth of the Israelite population. He worried that their increasing numbers would eventually enable them to rise up against Egyptian rule. The potential for an Israelite insurrection was a threat he could not ignore, leading him to take drastic and oppressive measures against them.

Enslavement of the Israelites

To curb this perceived threat, Pharaoh enslaved the Israelites, forcing them to engage in back-breaking labor. They were tasked with constructing some of Egypt’s grandest architectural feats, working long hours under harsh conditions. This enslavement was intended to break their spirit and reduce their strength, but instead, the Israelites continued to grow in number and resilience.

Edict Against Newborn Hebrew Boys

Pharaoh’s most horrific decree came when he ordered that every newborn Hebrew boy be killed. By commanding the death of innocent children, Pharaoh hoped to weaken the Israelite lineage and future resistance. This brutal edict set the stage for the miraculous preservation of one of Israel’s most pivotal leaders—Moses.

The Birth of Moses

Moses’ Lineage

Moses was born into the tribe of Levi, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. This heritage was not just a simple familial link, as the Levites would later take on significant religious roles within Israelite society. Moses’ lineage thus placed him within a context of spiritual and communal importance, even from birth.

Moses’ Family

Moses’ parents, Amram and Jochebed, were devout Israelites who feared God more than Pharaoh’s cruel edicts. They already had two children: Miriam, a wise and resourceful sister, and Aaron, who would later become Moses’ spokesman and high priest. His family was loving and tight-knit, fostering an environment that would protect him during his early, perilous days.

Significance of Moses’ Birth

The birth of Moses marked the beginning of a divinely orchestrated plan to liberate the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. From the moment he was born, it was clear that Moses was destined for greatness. His mother’s recognition of his special nature led her to take extraordinary measures to ensure his survival, setting the stage for a story of remarkable deliverance.

Moses’ Early Life in Secret

Moses’ Mother’s Actions

Jochebed’s instinctual love for her newborn son drove her to do everything within her power to save him. Despite the risk of severe punishment, she decided to conceal Moses, defying Pharaoh’s edict in a courageous act of maternal devotion. Her actions were fueled by faith and an unyielding hope that God had a greater plan for her child.

The Concealment of Moses

For three harrowing months, Jochebed managed to keep baby Moses hidden from Pharaoh’s soldiers. This period was undoubtedly filled with fear and anxiety, as any misstep could have led to Moses’ discovery and death. Yet, in the face of tremendous danger, Jochebed’s faith did not waver.

Building and Placing the Basket

When it became impossible to keep Moses hidden any longer, Jochebed crafted a waterproof basket, placing her trust in God’s protection. She gently laid her baby in the basket and set it adrift among the reeds of the Nile River. This desperate act was a blend of heartache and hope, trusting that God would guide the little vessel to safety.

Discovery by Pharaoh’s Daughter

Pharaoh’s Daughter’s Role

Pharaoh’s daughter played an unexpected yet pivotal role in Moses’ story. She was a figure of authority and compassion within the palace, her actions revealing a gentle heart even within the hardened environment of Pharaoh’s court. She was used mightily by God to change the course of Moses’ life and, consequently, history.

Finding of the Basket

While bathing in the Nile, Pharaoh’s daughter noticed the basket caught in the reeds. Curiosity and compassion led her to investigate, sending her maid to fetch it. Inside, she discovered the crying infant Moses. Her heart was moved, and she instantly recognized that the baby was one of the Hebrew children marked for death by her father’s cruel edict.

Compassion of Pharaoh’s Daughter

Rather than carrying out her father’s orders, Pharaoh’s daughter felt an overwhelming sense of compassion for the helpless child. Her decision to save Moses demonstrated that love and mercy could triumph even in the face of tyranny. She resolved to protect and raise Moses, initiating her role as his adoptive mother and protector.

Moses’ Sister’s Intervention

Miriam’s Watchfulness

Moses’ sister Miriam displayed remarkable presence of mind and bravery for someone so young. She had been discreetly watching over her brother from a distance, ensuring that his makeshift vessel did not drift aimlessly or fall into harm’s way. Her vigilance was critical when Pharaoh’s daughter discovered Moses.

Offering Help to Pharaoh’s Daughter

Seizing a valuable opportunity, Miriam approached Pharaoh’s daughter with a well-timed suggestion. She offered to find a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby, cleverly proposing a solution that would reunite Moses with his mother. Her quick thinking and resourcefulness were instrumental in ensuring Moses’ safety and proper upbringing during his earliest years.

Moses’ Return to His Mother

Miriam’s intervention allowed Moses to return to the arms of his biological mother, Jochebed. Pharaoh’s daughter agreed to have Moses nursed by a Hebrew woman, unknowingly granting Jochebed the precious gift of time with her son. This period not only strengthened their bond but also allowed Jochebed to impart foundational values and beliefs to Moses before he would eventually join Pharaoh’s household.

Moses’ Foster Care

Moses’ Time with His Mother

During his early years, Moses was nurtured by his mother, receiving both physical sustenance and spiritual fortification. Jochebed likely used this time to instill in Moses a sense of his true identity and heritage. The spiritual teachings and love he received during these formative years would remain with him throughout his life, guiding him in moments of doubt and struggle.

Transition to Pharaoh’s Household

When Moses grew older and was weaned, the time came for him to transition to the palace. This shift from the humble home of a Hebrew slave to the opulent courts of Egyptian royalty marked a significant change in his environment and daily life. Yet, the foundation laid during his time with his mother would anchor him amid the splendor and challenges of palace life.

Pharaoh’s Daughter Adopts Moses

Pharaoh’s daughter formally adopted Moses, granting him the status of an Egyptian prince. Despite his Hebrew origins, Moses was raised with all the privileges and education befitting royalty. His adoptive mother’s influence ensured that he was protected and provided for, preparing him for the role that God had planned for him.

Moses’ Life in Pharaoh’s Palace

Moses’ Status as Pharaoh’s Grandson

As the adopted grandson of Pharaoh, Moses held a position of significant influence and privilege within Egyptian society. He was further integrated into the royal family, enjoying a life of luxury and learning that was starkly different from the harsh existence of his fellow Israelites.

Education and Upbringing

In Pharaoh’s palace, Moses received a comprehensive education, learning the languages, sciences, arts, and military tactics of the Egyptians. This education was sophisticated and exhaustive, offering Moses the best possible preparation for leadership. Additionally, the cultural immersion equipped him with insights into the workings of Egyptian politics and society.

Preparation for Moses’ Destiny

While Moses might not have understood the fullness of his destiny, his upbringing in the palace was a critical component of God’s larger plan. The skills and knowledge he gained would later prove invaluable as he led the Israelites out of Egypt, navigating the challenges that arose on their journey to the Promised Land.

God’s Provision and Plan

Divine Protection Over Moses

From the moment Moses was born, divine protection was evident in his life. Through the loving actions of his mother, the watchful eye of his sister, and the compassionate heart of Pharaoh’s daughter, God safeguarded Moses from impending danger. Each phase of his early life showed God’s hand at work, ensuring that Moses would survive and thrive for the purpose he was meant to fulfill.

God’s Intentions for Moses

God had grand plans for Moses, intending for him to be the instrument of Israel’s deliverance from bondage. Despite the peril and oppression surrounding his birth, Moses was preserved and prepared to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites to freedom. God’s intentions were always to demonstrate His power and faithfulness through Moses’ life.

Moses’ Role in Israelite Deliverance

Moses was chosen to be a liberator, a leader who would confront the greatest powers of his time to secure freedom for his people. His early life, filled with miraculous survival and privileged education, uniquely positioned him to fulfill this role. Moses’ journey encapsulates the themes of divine purpose, courage, and faith, illustrating the incredible ways in which God prepares and uses individuals for His glory.


Recap of Key Events and Themes

From birth, Moses’ life was marked by divine intervention and protection. Starting with the courageous actions of his mother, passing through the compassionate rescue by Pharaoh’s daughter, and enriched by the nurturing period with his biological mother, each chapter in Moses’ early life showcased themes of faith, courage, and God’s unwavering plan.

Significance of Moses’ Early Life

The early life of Moses is not just a collection of miraculous events but a foundational story that underscores the importance of faith, family, and divine purpose. These formative years equipped Moses with the strength, knowledge, and identity he needed to eventually lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

Anticipation of Moses’ Future

As Moses grew within the walls of Pharaoh’s palace, he was unknowingly being prepared for his destiny. His story, which began in peril and miraculous deliverance, was far from over. The anticipation of Moses’ future acts of faith and leadership serves as a powerful reminder of the incredible plans that God can have for each life, turning circumstances of despair into opportunities for deliverance and hope.

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