What is your "5 loaves & 2 fishes"?

Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand – John 6:1-14

Who Has the 2 Fishes and 5 Loaves? The Significance of the 5 Loaves and 2 Fish in John 6:1-14 Miracle of Jesus Feeding the 5000 – What is the Message of Jesus Feeding the 5000? What Can We Learn…

Gone fishing || Christian animated short film[HD]

Matthew 4:19 “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

“Come Follow Me,” Jesus said “And I Will Make You Fishers of Men” What Does the Fish Symbolize in the Bible? What Are the Characteristics of a Good Fisherman? Who Were the 4 Fishermen Disciples? How Many Times Did Jesus…

SIN - Christian animated short film

The Blood Of Jesus Christ His Son Is God’s Remedy For Sin / Cleanse Us From All Sin

  The Blood of Jesus Cleanses From Sin’s Past, Present, And Sin’s Possible The Blood of Jesus Cleanses From Sins Penalty The Golden Rule Was Proclaimed By Jesus of Nazareth And Described By Him As The Second Great Commandment

The heavens gate || Christian animated short film

Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life No One Comes To The Father Except Through Him

You Don’t Get to Heaven by Being a Good Person You Are Saved by Grace Through Faith, Not by Works You Get to Heaven by Trusting in Jesus How to Be Sure That You Are Going to Heaven The Blood…

Bump in the night || Christian animated short film

Psalm 91:11 – For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways

Psalm 91 Meaning Verse by Verse Explanation From Bible Psalm 91:11 – God Will Command His Angels to Guard You in All Your Ways [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1080"] Jesus Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life No One…

Jesus Christ : The Bridge To GOD

Salvation – How Do I Receive God’s Gift Of Salvation And His Wonderful Plan For Me?

God Loves You and Offers a Wonderful Plan For Your Life But We All Have Sinned And Sin Separated Us From God Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for our Through Him, we can know and experience God’s love…