Noah Obeys (Genesis 6-7)

In “Noah Obeys (Genesis 6-7),” you’ll embark on a timeless story of faith and obedience as portrayed in a delightful video by Saddleback Kids. You’ll get to experience Noah’s unwavering trust in God, which earned him a prestigious spot in the Faithful Hall of Fame.

This tale recounts how God, disenchanted with the corruption on Earth, chose Noah to undertake a monumental task. He was instructed to build a massive ark and gather two of every kind of animal, along with his family, to survive the forthcoming flood. Through Noah’s story, you’ll see the profound impact of obedience and faith, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Noah Obeys (Genesis 6-7)

Noah’s Place in History

Introduction to Noah

You might have heard of Noah, a central figure in one of the most well-known stories from the Bible. Noah is often remembered for his remarkable obedience to God, which led to the construction of a colossal ark and the preservation of life on Earth. His story is one of faith, perseverance, and righteousness amid a corrupt and decaying society. As you delve into Noah’s life, you’ll discover why his place in history remains so significant.

The Faithful Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11

In the New Testament, Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the “Faithful Hall of Fame.” This chapter highlights individuals who exemplified outstanding faith in God. Noah is included among these spiritual giants because of his unwavering trust and obedience. Hebrews 11:7 specifically commends Noah for his faith — it was by faith that Noah, warned about things not yet seen, built an ark to save his family. His story is celebrated as a testament to what it means to live by faith.

Noah’s Unique Role Among Other Biblical Figures

Noah’s story is unique when compared to other biblical figures. While many individuals in the Bible displayed faith in various circumstances, Noah’s situation was extraordinary. He was tasked with building an enormous ark, gathering animals, and ultimately becoming the progenitor of the post-flood world. Unlike other biblical heroes who fought battles or led people through deserts, Noah’s heroism lay in his quiet, consistent obedience over many years, despite the ridicule and disbelief from others around him.

The Wickedness of Humanity

God’s Observation of Human Evil

In Noah’s time, the world was plagued by immense wickedness. From God’s vantage point, humanity had spiraled into a cesspool of evil thoughts and actions. Genesis 6:5-6 reveals that every inclination of the human heart was only evil all the time. The gravity of this evil deeply grieved God’s heart. It’s hard to imagine a world where every thought and imagination were corrupt, but that’s precisely the state of humanity during Noah’s days.

The Moral State of the World

The moral state of the world had deteriorated to unprecedented levels. Corruption and violence were rampant, and people had abandoned their Creator’s righteous ways. This widespread moral decay painted a bleak picture of society. It wasn’t just a few bad apples; the entire world was steeped in sin. People lived without regard for justice, mercy, or love, fostering an environment where evil thrived unchecked.

The Grief of God

God’s reaction to the wickedness was one of profound sorrow. Genesis 6:6 poignantly states that God regretted making human beings on the earth, and His heart was deeply troubled. This divine grief stemmed from the waywardness of His creation, who seemed to have wholly rejected the divine goodness and purpose intended for them. It presents a picture of a loving God deeply wounded by the rebellion and moral failures of humankind.

God’s Decision and Plan

God’s Plan to Cleanse the Earth

Faced with the pervasive wickedness, God made a monumental decision to cleanse the earth. This wasn’t a whimsical choice but a necessary act of divine justice and restoration. God decided to send a flood to wipe out all living beings, a grave response to an equally grave situation. Yet, in this plan, there was also a glimmer of hope and a promise for a new beginning, as God chose to spare Noah and his family.

God’s Hope for a Righteous Beginning

God’s plan to cleanse the earth wasn’t just about punishment; it was foundational for a fresh, righteous beginning. God saw Noah as a righteous man in his generation, and through him, there was hope for a renewed relationship between God and humanity. This act underscored God’s desire not just to destroy but to restore and set a path for a future rooted in righteousness and faithfulness.

The Instructions Given to Noah

God provided Noah with specific, detailed instructions for building the ark. These directions were precise, covering everything from the ark’s dimensions to the types of materials to be used. God also instructed Noah on gathering every kind of animal, ensuring the preservation of life. These instructions highlight the meticulous care and divine wisdom behind God’s plan, signaling a structured pathway to preservation and renewal.

Noah’s Favor with God

The Reasons Noah Found Favor

Noah found favor with God primarily due to his righteous and blameless lifestyle amidst a corrupt generation. Unlike his contemporaries, Noah walked faithfully with God, adhering to divine commandments and values. This faithfulness set him apart and earned him God’s favor. It teaches you that in a world filled with wrongdoing, living a life of righteousness can indeed capture God’s heart and favor.

Attributes of Noah’s Righteousness

Noah’s righteousness was characterized by his unwavering faith, obedience, and integrity. He exhibited complete trust in God’s promises and directives, even when they seemed inexplicable or daunting. Noah’s ethical conduct, moral integrity, and faithful adherence to God’s commands were distinguishing features that justified God’s favor and trust in him. These attributes can serve as a model for you to emulate in your own faith journey.

Noah’s Relationship with God

Noah’s relationship with God was deeply intimate and trusting. He communicated with God and followed His guidance without hesitation. This relationship was built on a foundation of mutual respect and adherence to divine commands. Noah’s life demonstrated a profound sense of reverence for God, highlighting the importance of maintaining a strong, personal connection with the divine.

Building the Ark

Detailed Instructions from God

When it came to building the ark, God provided Noah with detailed instructions that were crucial for its construction and effectiveness. Noah was instructed to build the ark with specific dimensions: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. These precise measurements ensured the ark’s stability and capacity to withstand the forthcoming deluge. The instructions also included the use of cypress wood and the application of pitch inside and out to waterproof the vessel.

The Size and Structure of the Ark

The ark was essentially a massive, rectangular box designed to float on the floodwaters. Its sheer size was unprecedented; it was nearly one and a half times the length of a football field. The structural design included multiple decks and compartments to house the various animals and provisions. This deliberate and thoughtful design highlights how God’s instructions were not only divine but also incredibly practical and sound from an engineering perspective.

Provisioning the Ark for the Journey

While constructing the ark, Noah also had to provision it adequately for the long journey. This meant gathering enough food and water for his family and the animals. The level of planning and preparation required was immense. It wasn’t just about building a vessel; it involved ensuring the survival and sustenance of every living being on board for the duration of the flood. This logistical feat demonstrates Noah’s thoroughness and his adherence to God’s comprehensive directives.

Gathering the Animals

Instructions for Animal Collection

God gave Noah clear instructions regarding the gathering of animals. Noah was to bring into the ark two of every kind, male and female, to ensure the survival and reproduction of species after the flood. This divine mandate required systematic planning and divine guidance, as it’s hard to fathom how Noah could collect such a diverse array of creatures on his own.

The Pairing of Animals

The pairing of animals was an essential part of God’s instructions. Bringing animals in pairs ensured that each species could repopulate the earth after the floodwaters receded. The concept of pairing also symbolizes balance and restoration, reinforcing the theme of renewal that is central to Noah’s story. This pairing was vital for maintaining biodiversity and the ecological balance in the post-flood world.

Logistics of Housing the Animals in the Ark

Housing a multitude of animals from different species posed significant logistical challenges. The ark was designed with compartments to separate and safely house each type of animal. Additionally, considerations for feeding, waste management, and the overall well-being of the animals had to be meticulously planned. This monumental task once again illustrates Noah’s incredible dedication and the divine wisdom behind the instructions given to him.

The Obedience of Noah

Noah’s Immediate and Complete Compliance

Noah’s story is marked by his immediate and absolute compliance with God’s commands. Despite the seemingly insurmountable nature of the task, Noah did everything just as God commanded him. His obedience wasn’t delayed by doubt or procrastination; he acted with unwavering faith and precision. This level of compliance underlines his deep trust in God’s plan and his strong commitment to following divine instructions.

Challenges and Perseverance

Building the ark wasn’t without its challenges. From public scorn and skepticism to the sheer physical demands of the construction, Noah faced numerous obstacles. However, his perseverance shone through. Despite the difficulties and potential discouragement, Noah continued to follow God’s commands diligently. His perseverance serves as an inspiring example of steadfast faith in the face of adversity.

Family Involvement in the Mission

Noah’s mission wasn’t a solo endeavor; his family also played a crucial role. His wife, sons, and their wives supported and participated in the monumental task of building the ark and preparing for the flood. Their collective effort highlights the importance of family unity and collaboration in fulfilling God’s purposes. It’s a reminder that sometimes, our faith journeys are intertwined with the support and involvement of our loved ones.

Entering the Ark

God’s Command to Enter the Ark

When the time came, God commanded Noah and his family to enter the ark. This directive was a pivotal moment, signaling the imminent unfolding of God’s plan. The command to enter the ark represented a step of faith, as Noah and his family had to trust that the massive structure would fulfill its purpose of preserving them and the animals through the impending deluge.

Final Preparations

The final preparations involved making sure that all provisions were secured, and every animal was safely housed within the ark. This phase was critical, as any oversight could jeopardize the survival of those on board. Noah likely conducted thorough checks and walkthroughs to ensure everything was in place. It was a moment of intense focus and meticulous attention to detail as they prepared for the start of a new chapter.

The Closing of the Ark’s Door by God

In a profound gesture, it was God Himself who closed the door of the ark. This act signified divine protection and the sealing of those who had adhered to His commands. It marked the transition from a world of corruption to one of divine judgment and subsequent renewal. The closing of the door underscored the notion that Noah and his family’s safety was ultimately in God’s hands, encapsulating them in His protective care.

The Flood

Commencement of the Rain

The flood began with the heavens opening up and the rain pouring down. For forty days and forty nights, an unrelenting downpour covered the earth, submerging everything outside the ark. This cataclysmic event was both an act of divine judgment and a profound reset for creation. Imagine the sheer magnitude of rain so intense and prolonged that it submerged mountains and reshaped the earth’s landscape.

Duration and Impact of the Flood

The floodwaters prevailed upon the earth for a total of one hundred and fifty days. This period of inundation led to the complete destruction of all living things that were not aboard the ark. The impact was staggering — ecosystems collapsed, and the pre-flood world was irrevocably altered. However, amid the devastation, the ark floated safely, carrying Noah, his family, and a remnant of life.

The Survival of Noah and His Company

Throughout this cataclysmic event, Noah, his family, and the animals survived within the protective confines of the ark. Their survival was a testament to God’s faithfulness and the efficacy of His divine instructions. As the waters eventually receded, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, setting the stage for a new beginning. Noah’s obedience and God’s faithfulness culminated in the preservation of life and the promise of rebirth for creation.


Reflections on Noah’s Obedience

Reflecting on Noah’s life, you see a profound example of unwavering faith and obedience to God’s commands. Noah’s actions, guided by divine instruction, spared him, his family, and the animal kingdom from total annihilation. His story demonstrates that righteous living and steadfast faith can lead to divine favor and extraordinary outcomes, even when the odds seem insurmountable.

Lessons for Modern-Day Believers

Noah’s story offers timeless lessons for modern-day believers. It reminds you that living a life of faith and obedience to God’s word can set you apart, even in a world that often seems morally bankrupt. The importance of perseverance, family involvement, and meticulous adherence to divine guidance are themes that resonate across the ages. Noah’s journey encourages you to remain faithful and obedient, reassured that God’s plans, though sometimes challenging, are always for the greater good.

The Legacy of Noah’s Faithfulness

Noah’s legacy is one of faithfulness and righteousness. His life and actions had far-reaching implications, leading to the renewal of the earth and the continuation of life. Noah’s narrative, woven into the broader tapestry of biblical history, serves as an enduring symbol of faith in action. It calls you to aspire to a life marked by integrity, obedience, and a steadfast relationship with God, knowing that such a life leaves a lasting impact for generations to come.

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