The Apostle Peter stands before a crowd of religiously observant Jews on the day of Pentecost. He addresses them with a sermon. His sermon characterizes God’s work through Jesus as reliable and certain.
Peter’s sermon is an important and critical document in Christianity. Its purpose is to announce the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. At the same time, it demonstrates the apostles’ interpretation of the life of Jesus.
In the first part of his sermon, Peter explains why Christ’s death was necessary. His audience had been asking him questions about salvation. He wanted to be sure that they knew what he was talking about.
In the second part, he explains how the resurrection of Jesus was necessary. In this passage, he cites texts from the Old Testament that relate to Christ’s resurrection and the giving of the Spirit.
Peter’s sermon on Pentecost shows how the apostles understood the life of Jesus. The resurrection is integrally related to the giving of the Holy Spirit. During the sermon, Peter appeals to Psalms 16:8-11 and Joel’s prophecy.
Peter’s explanation is not easy to follow, but it’s effective. When he cites these texts, he emphasizes the work of the Son in sending the Spirit.
Throughout the sermon, Peter uses language that is largely unfamiliar to the crowd. In particular, he refers to speaking in tongues. As a result, the crowd dismisses his words as foolishness. However, Peter is confident that this is a sign of the coming of the messianic age.