So Faith Comes From Hearing And Hearing Through The Word of Christ – Romans 10:17

So faith comes from hearing the word of Christ  Romans 1017

So Faith Comes From Hearing And Hearing Through The Word of Christ – Romans 10:17

The problem is that many congregations today are drowning in works instead of grace. They are being beaten down by programs and works that are designed to keep their flocks in slavery, but they have not heard the life-giving message that Jesus Christ died for us so that we could be forgiven of our sins, made one with Him, clothed in His righteousness, and given eternal life with Him in heaven.

So what does Paul mean when he says, “faith comes from hearing the word of Christ?”

In Romans 10:15, he gives the example of how a person can call on the Lord and believe in Him but not hear from Him unless He sends someone to preach. He then quotes Isaiah 53:1 and points out that if Israel believed the words of the prophet, they would be saved.

However, this is not an easy thing to do. There are many false teachers, false prophets, and those who want to twist the gospel in their own power.

This is why we must continue to stand for the true Gospel of peace and bring good tidings of great joy to those who are lost. We must never give up on evangelism because we know that God will not stop sending His messengers to proclaim the gospel. Our feet must be shod with this gospel, because it is the only way to forgiveness of sins, peace with God, and eternal life.

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