Paul’s Encouragement to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12

1 Timothy 4:12 – Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Paul’s encouragement to Timothy in this chapter is simple and clear. He instructs him to remain firm in the gospel he has been authorized to preach, even in the face of hardship and difficulties. He reminds Timothy that Christ gives him favor, and that the gospel has a purpose.

Maintain a high standard of living – The behavior that Paul commands here is not culturally imposed but grounded in sound doctrine. This is the pattern of Christian living that corresponds to the gospel.

Keep your head in all situations – Timothy was certain to face controversy, misunderstanding and disagreement with his message. Paul encourages him to stay level-headed, not being influenced by the opinions of others.

Endure hardship – Timothy was likely to face trials in his work as a pastor. Paul encourages him to do the work of an evangelist, to urge those who hear his message to believe in Jesus and accept him as their Savior.

Remain faithful – Timothy should never allow himself to become debilitated by fear, feeling ashamed of the gospel or of his imprisonment. He should instead maintain a high standard of living, reaffirming his commitment to the Word of God, the indwelling Holy Spirit and the authority of the apostles.

Do not give attention to myths or endless genealogies – These were false teachings that were not in line with the essentials of Christian faith. It was also not acceptable for the Jews to take pride in their ancestors.

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