1 Timothy 6:18 – Be Generous

1 Timothy 6:18 – Be Generous

1 Timothy 6:18 – Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

Wealthy believers are to be “rich in good works”, meaning that they should give their money and resources away for the glory of God. These are important commands for wealthy Christians, as well as for all believers.

Charge those who are rich in this world’s goods not to be proud, and not to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God who gives them all things richly to enjoy. They are to do good, find their wealth in noble deeds, be ready to share, be men who never forget that they are members of a fellowship; and in the meantime lay up for themselves the treasure of a fine foundation for the world to come.

This treasure is to be a firm base of support and an anchor for the soul in this present world as well as in the next. It is the only treasure which can truly be counted as an investment for eternal life.

O Timothy, guard the trust which has been entrusted to you. Do not irreligious empty talking; and keep out of foolish arguments with those who boast of their “knowledge” which they have no right to call knowledge.

For there are many false teachers who commercialize religion, looking for private gain and a career in the Church. These people do not honor their calling and their ministry as public service; they want to be paid for their efforts, not for their vocation. These teachers also misapply the law of God, trying to prove their own worth and slander the gospel as their enemy.

1 Timothy 618


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