Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – Creation and the Great Creator (Genesis 1:1-31)

Creation and the Great CreatorGenesis 1:1-31

Creation and the Great Creator Genesis 1131

The creation account in Genesis is a record of how the Lord God created the universe, including man. This account reveals a fundamental truth about the character of the Creator, a truth which sets forth the Christian worldview.

In creating the universe, the Creator brought order out of chaos. As a result, everything was a part of His plan. Throughout the creation account, the Bible portrays the Creator as loving, caring, and powerful. He created man in his image and then gave him dominion over the world.

After six days, the Creator rested. On the seventh day, God saw that creation was good. That day, the Creator made the trees, the birds, and the plants. And on the eighth day, the Creator created mankind.

Although the creation account in Genesis does not reveal all the details of the process of creation, it does provide unmistakable information. It also establishes the fundamental truth about human beings.

For instance, God creates a world where animals and humans are given plants to eat. The Creator has the plan to redeem the earth, and He has predestined the Son to come into the world to restore all things.

Another key component in the Genesis account is the distinctions between good and evil. God made everything that was made “pleasant to the sight”. But there was also a component of unbalance in the natural world.

The Creator put fear in the animals to ensure their survival. Yet, the Creator was not content with that.

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