Is He Worthy to Open the Scroll and Break the Seals?
John saw a scroll with writing in it and on its back. It was sealed with seven seals. An angel said to him, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?”
Then he began to weep loudly
This is a powerful picture of the judgment to come against humanity. God has seen our rebellion against Him and He will judge us!
There is no one in created existence worthy to open the scroll. Jesus is the only one worthy to do this. He is the only One who can fulfill every jot and tittle of God’s law for us!
Revelation 5:6-10. The Lamb Who Was Slain
In verse 6, we see a picture of a Lion who has conquered sin and death, and is therefore worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals. He is called the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” and the “Root of David”.
Those who have sinned and rejected Christ are unable to enter into Heaven or live with Him forever, but Jesus has saved them by shedding His blood on the cross. He is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven.
Millions of people around the world worship the resurrected Lamb. They give Him power, riches, wisdom, might, honor, glory and blessing! Those who have received Him as Savior and Lord are now made priests to serve Him. They sing a song to Him, as well as the twenty-four elders and four living creatures who are encircled by him.
Is He Worthy?
Do you feel the world is broken? (We do)
Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do)
But do you know that all the dark won’t stop the light from getting through? (We do)
Do you wish that you could see it all made new? (We do)
Is all creation groaning? (It is)
Is a new creation coming? (It is)
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? (It is)
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? (It is)
Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
Is He worthy? Is He worthy
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy of this?
He is
Does the Father truly love us? (He does)
Does the Spirit move among us? (He does)
And does Jesus, our Messiah, hold forever those He loves? (He does)
Does our God intend to dwell again with us? (He does)
Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From every people and tribe (People and tribe)
Every nation and tongue (Every nation and tongue)
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God
To reign with the Son
Is He worthy? Is He worthy
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is, He is
Is He worthy? Is He worthy?
He is, He is
He is worthy, He is worthy
He is