What is God’s Amazing Grace?

Gizmos Daily Bible Byte

29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

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What is God’s Amazing Grace?

Many have heard about God’s amazing grace but may be confused as to its full meaning. Many tend to take it for granted that grace means something like getting off easy from the judge (although there is nothing wrong with that approach).

But grace has a much deeper meaning. According to Scripture, grace is defined as unmerited divine assistance granted to humans for regeneration or sanctification; or as “God’s favor extended even to those unworthy.”

Understanding and experiencing God’s grace transforms everything! Not only does it bring us closer to God; it alters our outlook on life and others as well. By freeing ourselves of past hurts and regrets, grace helps us understand that our value lies within God as well as among those around us – something Jesus sacrificed his life for.

John Newton wrote “Amazing Grace,” one of the world’s most beloved hymns in 1772, to chronicle his conversion story and illustrate God’s amazing grace that brought about his salvation from sinful living to salvation in Jesus. Though everyone’s story of salvation may differ, this beloved hymn serves as an insight into how His amazing love can heal our broken hearts and help bring peace back into life.

Count Your Blessings

One effective way to feel more appreciative of what you have is counting your blessings. By turning your attention toward all the good in life, you will become much happier and less stressed. While it might be challenging at first to recognize all your blessings, once you start looking around you will soon see just how many there really are!

The origins of this saying remain unclear, though its probable religious roots can be discerned. It could refer to spiritual practice or simply be seen as a reminder to appreciate what you already have rather than complaining about what’s missing; or simply thanking those around you, such as enjoying a beautiful sunrise or receiving an embrace from a good friend.

Studies show that those who express gratitude are typically happier and less stressed. One way of showing our thanks for what we have is counting your blessings regularly – be sure to set aside a time every day or so for this activity! If it helps, you could keep a gratitude journal where you record everything good in your life or create a memorial diamond from an urn filled with the remains of someone special who has passed on to remind yourself and others about all they’ve given us!

Surrender Your Burdens

Holding onto burdens will sap your spiritual health, leaving you discouraged, defeated, and feeling powerless. So give them over to God who created you to bear them – He will lift them off of you and send His blessings upon you!

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Fill your environment with Bible verses that can help you release those burdens to Him; post them around your home or put sticky notes with them up on walls so you can read them throughout the day – this way you’ll experience true peace.

Trust in God

One of the most essential things to keep in mind during times of uncertainty and difficulty is that God is reliable. He’s your loving, supportive father who will always be there. Through prayer and Scripture reading, he wants you to discover more of who He is so you can trust him completely.

All throughout the Bible we see examples of people trusting in God when their circumstances were uncertain. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s story shows us just that – when threatened by King Nebuchadnezzar to throw them into a fiery furnace by bowing down to his image instead of trusting in God instead, their hair and clothes still intact! He kept them safe.

Paul reminded the Romans that God works all things together for good for those who love and trust in Him. It’s comforting to know that no matter what happens in life, He is with you and has a plan. Trusting in His plan provides peace, comfort, and understanding while eliminating worry from trying to manage things alone.

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