Bible Reading Psalm 96:4 Above All / There Is None Like You


Bible Reading Psalm 96:4

For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.

Bible Reading Psalm 96:4 says “For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. This verse is a powerful affirmation of the LORD’s majesty. The LORD is so great, He is worthy of worship and fear. He is the God of the universe and the creator of all things. He is a King-God and therefore deserves all the glory and adoration we can give Him.

The word Above All means “above all”. It is the highest being of the Multiverse. God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. He created everything in His image and is therefore the supreme being of all things. But in this world, we are alone and unloved. What do we do? We pray to Him. He gives us the gift of faith, and we follow His example by living a life dedicated to love and service.

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We can’t help but be amazed at the natural world we live in. Bees, ants, and wasps don’t use special sex chromosomes to produce males. In the same way, clouds form above the timberline and cool springs are above the ground. Such things are not possible for humans. So, we should try to learn from them. In addition, it’s important to live and love as God intended.

The Lord is the most worthy of praise. He is our God. We should worship him. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. He deserves all the praise we can give Him. In the Bible, it is written, For great is the Lord and most deserving of our adoration. So, we must exalt the Lord and praise him every day. It is the greatest expression of our worship.

Bible Reading Psalm 96:4 Above All / There Is None Like You

The greatness of the Lord is the greatest of all gods. He is the most worthy of praise and the most terrifying of all gods. So, we should honor him and praise him. He is the most deserving of all praise. This is the reason why we worship him. The name of the Lord is the most beautiful of all names. He is the one who makes all things.

In Psalm 96: The Lord is the greatest and most worthy of praise. He is the God of all people. His greatness is the greatness of the earth. He is the god of all people. We should worship him. The Lord is the most deserving of our worship. He is the one worthy of our worship. He is the greatest. For great is the Lord and most worthy of our praise.

The Lord is worthy of all praise. His greatness is the greatest and most worthy of worship. We should revere Him above all gods. He is the one who created the heavens and should be praised. This is a wonderful verse in Psalm 139:2: And the Lord is worthy of praise. We should worship Him above all gods. He is the God of all nations.

For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. We should worship Him above all gods. He is the God of all nations. The greatness of the Lord is awe-inspiring. It is awe-inspiring and worthy of praise. We should be afraid of him. If we fear him, then we will be humbled. But the gods of other nations are idols.

The King James Version states: The Lord is great and most worthy of praise. He is worthy of our praise. And the Lord is worthy of our adoration. All things will fall before him, and we must praise him. And we should give thanks to him, for he is the only true God. If we worship him, then we will worship him alone and not fear other gods.

Jehovah is the greatest God. He is the greatest of all gods and is worthy of our praise and worship. We should trust in Him and worship Him. If we worship the LORD, we should fear nothing. The LORD is our greatness. He is our majesty. He makes everything, and He is the source of all joy. He is the true and perfect God.

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