Blessed be the name of the Lord – Psalm 72:18-19

Blessed be the name of the Lord – Psalm 72:18-19

As we look forward to Christ’s return, and as we await His coming again for the glory of His kingdom, this Psalm helps us focus our thoughts on a King who will rule with the justice and righteousness of God (Psalm 72:1-2) and extend the blessings of His reign from sea to sea. His kingdom will be a kingdom of peace, bringing peace to people’s hearts and homes, restoring their trust in the sovereign Lord of the universe (Psalm 72:5-6).


He will judge men with Righteousness; He will deliver those who are poor and needy; And he will save their souls.

His Kingdom will be everlasting, and He will bring the peace of heaven to earth; His kingdom will be a kingdom that is full of light and love. He will rule with a righteousness and justice that is beyond all human understanding; and He will reign on the throne of heaven, where no one can stand (Psalm 72:8-9).

Christless souls are like dry ground that has not received any moisture of the Holy Spirit. They are hard and devoid of spiritual influence, not receptive to rods or mercies from the pulpit, and not receptive to sermons that seek to teach them to live in the heavenly realm of righteousness.

As God sends a rich and abundant blessing to His church, the kingdom of Christ will flourish and be full of peace. We will be able to enjoy the abundance of His blessing and be receptive to all that is good and true in this world, without fear of persecution, just as Lebanon’s people are conspicuous, celebrated, and prosperous.


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