Today’s SuperVerse is Colossians 1:15 – The Supremacy of the Son of God
Hey guys watch this oh where am I where did I go wow is that Globe floating nope here I am that was pretty cool right Professor Quantum installed a new camouflage update into my programming it makes me invisible I am having a lot of fun with it did you know that the Bible often described God as invisible but God did in fact make a way for everyone to See him let us look at today’s super verse Colossians 1 verse 15 reads Christ is the visible image of the invisible God he existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation Jesus is the invisible God made visible when Jesus came down to earth those who saw him were seeing God as a man as that man on Earth Jesus was a reflection of God in heaven ultimately when we look at Jesus we see and experience the character of God some people might think That God is full of anger and looks down on us with disapproval but the words and actions of Jesus show us how loving kind compassionate and forgiving God is just because we might not be able to see God that does not mean that he is invisible I am so glad to know that the God who created Everything Seen and unseen is such a loving and caring God so much so that he sent Jesus to reveal who he really is you can get to know God more by reading about him in the Superbook Bible app download it today while you are there you can play fun games and watch full Superbook episodes thanks for watching and see you next time