
Anger and Murder – Matthew 5:21-26

When Jesus spoke of murder in the Bible, he said that we should not kill. He told us that if we had anger toward someone, then we should not murder….

Festus Agrippa Bernice Paulus

Bible Study Guide For Acts 24

Using the Bible Study Guide For Acts 24 you will discover a wealth of information about this exciting time in the life of Paul. In this guide you will learn…


I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – John 14:6

If you want to live a full life of love and trust, then you need to make the truth your best friend. You need to let it guide you through…


Salt and Light – Matthew 5:13-16

Salt and Light – Matthew 5:13-16 – When Jesus tells us that Salvation is like a seasoning, it means that our salvation is something that should be used as a…

paul before agrippa and bernice

Bible Study Guide For Acts 23

Having a Bible Study Guide for Acts 23 can be a great asset in your Christian life. Whether you want to better understand the story of Paul and his mission…


Romans 12:2 – Be Transformed

The word of God, the Bible, tells us that we must be transformed if we are to please God and be made more like Him. This transformation takes place when…


The Great Reversal – Matthew 19:30

In Matthew 19:30, Jesus teaches about the Great Reversal. He gives an example of a rich man, who possessed all the material goods he wanted but was deaf to the…


How God Grows You Through Grief – Romans 8:28

If you’re going through a difficult time and you feel that your pain is overwhelming, it is possible that God has a plan for you. In Romans 8:28, the apostle…

paul at mars hill

Bible Study Guide For Acts 22

Whether you’re new to studying the Bible or a seasoned scholar, the Bible Study Guide For Acts 22 will help you make the most of your time and resources. This…


For Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen – Matthew 22:14

This is not an exhaustive analysis of this passage of Scripture, but it does provide a good overview. It is also a helpful reminder that God’s sovereignty over man’s will…