This is not an exhaustive analysis of this passage of Scripture, but it does provide a good overview. It is also a helpful reminder that God’s sovereignty over man’s will is often not always clear. While many have a general idea of what this verse is talking about, the details can be rather confusing. Read the whole article to find out more.
God’s sovereignty vs man’s will
God’s sovereignty and man’s will are often presented as mutually exclusive, but that is not true. Both are important biblical concepts.
Sovereignty is the term for God’s right to exercise the ruling power over all creation. It is also the concept of kingship. All things bow to the rule of God.
The other concept is human responsibility. Human responsibility is the idea that man has real choices and can make good or bad decisions. Although the Bible does not explicitly state that humans are free, there is no doubt that the idea is present.
There is a reoccurring theme of the two concepts in the Bible. During the Old Testament, Israel was said to be carrying out the purposes of God. But when Jesus came, men were responsible for the crucifixion.
The phrase “free will” is popular, but it is not the Bible’s meaning. However, it does describe the reality of the human experience.
False Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders
In the End Times, many false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders. These impostors will deceive people who follow them. People who are genuinely seeking the truth will not be deceived.
False Christs and false prophets are deceivers who try to take advantage of God’s chosen people. They often claim to be the true Messiah or claim to be someone else who is a prophet.
The term “false christ” or “false messiah” is used in several places in the Bible. It is usually described as a man who claims to be the Son of God and to be in the line of David. However, most bogus saviors and false prophets are deceptive and are possessed by evil spirits.
Jesus warned His followers to beware of false Christs and prophets. The apostles wrote about these occult people in their letters to the churches.
Some cult leaders will even present themselves as people who are bible-believing Christians. While they may say that they are Christians, they have no doctrinal foundation and are purely deceptive.
Judas received the same manner of calling
When you look into Judas’s life, you’ll find that he was a member of a group of disciples. He was willing to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. However, he did not accept that Jesus was the Messiah.
Rather, Judas was motivated by greed. In the end, he gave Satan a foothold by being a thief. Ultimately, his betrayal was part of God’s sovereign plan.
Judas was not the only apostle to betray Jesus, however. The Gospels give only limited details about how he betrayed the Lord. It is unclear whether Judas was possessed or had other reasons for betraying the Lord.
John and Matthew mention Judas’ betrayal in greater detail. He is also mentioned in all four Gospels by name.
Judas was a thief who was willing to betray Jesus. His betrayal occurred during the Passover. At the time, Jews were worried because Jesus went to his guest room to pray. Afterward, people heard a voice from a cloud.
The kingdom of God will be taken from them
A lot of people have heard the phrase, “The kingdom of God will be taken from them.” That statement is often confusing for non-Christians, because the kingdom is often thought of as an unachievable goal that will never come to fruition. But the Bible speaks about the kingdom in a variety of ways.
The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that impacts all dimensions of reality. It consists of Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the church. It is everlasting and universal, and it will be restored on the last day.
In the New Testament, the Kingdom of God is used over 70 times. In some instances, it is a present-day reality. Other times, it refers to a future realm. For example, Peter spoke of believers as being little stones in the spiritual house. And Paul said that believers in Christ are built on the foundation of the apostles.
While some commentators believe that the Kingdom of God will be taken from them, others think it will be given to those who produce fruit. If we are willing to live according to the teachings of the kingdom, we will be given the kingdom.