2 Peter 1:3 – His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
Getting the power to get wealth is one of God’s gifts to His children. However, like all of God’s gifts it is not to be used selfishly or as a means to an end. The gift of wealth can only be released to those who have a steadfast heart that is committed to Him and His word. It is also to be used in a way that honors Him and glorifies Him.
A major theme in Peter’s letter is to call Christians back to spiritual maturity through the reading and application of God’s Word as a counter-balance against false teaching (2:3-4). The Christian church needs mature believers in order to withstand the attack of evil spirits and the onslaught of heretical doctrines.
Apparently the apostle was hearing reports of the presence of these false teachers in his churches. It’s possible that he had written 2 Peter so that he could encourage his brothers and instruct them on how to counteract the deception and maintain the purity of the gospel message.
It is important to note that the gospel message itself is unchanged by these teachings. Peter’s focus is to reinforce the basic truth that Christians have all that they need in Christ to live a godly life. The key is to realize that it takes work on their part to bring those qualities into full expression in their lives.
In the short passage that makes up 2 Peter 1:3, the apostle lists several virtues that are necessary for Christian living. He begins with faith, then lists goodness and godliness, a progression that culminates in love. This gradation of qualities is the result of divine revelation that comes through Jesus, the prophets, and the scriptures.
He reminds his readers that true revelation is not derived by human will, but only when the Holy Spirit moves select people to speak from Him (2 Peter 1:21). This process of divine communication is how He reveals Himself in the Bible, where the final words of Jesus are recounted by the apostles.
It is through these scriptures that our spiritual growth and our receptivity to God’s blessings are nurtured. Then we can live a prosperous and fruitful life. Moreover, we can be confident that we will enter the kingdom of heaven with an abundance entrance. This is because, as we grow in our understanding of the Word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we will receive the strength to live the heavenly lifestyle that will prepare us for the day when we are called home. It is important to understand that this abundant entrance is not a monetary reward, but it is rather a spiritual feast of the Lord’s goodness, including eternal salvation. We can only receive this heavenly feast by growing in the virtues that are listed in 2 Peter. As we become mature in these virtues, we will be ready for the day when our bodies and souls will be called home to be with the Lord forever.