Genesis 1:27 – So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27 – How Does This Fit in With Other Bible Verse?
Genesis 1:27 is one of the key passages of the Bible. It is an overview of God’s cosmic plan and establishes fundamental cosmic equality between men and women, as well as between men and God.
The question is how this fits in with the other passages that seem to suggest that man and woman were not created together, and that man is more superior than women. Many people have been trying to harmonize the two passages.
It is true that the King James version of Genesis 1:27 reads “an help meet for him”, but this is a mis-reading that can lead to inconsistency. It also goes against the way that woman is viewed in most cultures, where she is seen as being something that helps man and gives him his role and responsibility.
In verse 28 it is stated that the man ruled over all the animals, so it is not surprising to find that man is now in charge of the creation. He is to rule over the whole of it, including the environment that the animals are living in, as well as the food that they are eating.
This is an important point for Christians to keep in mind. There is a lot of discussion about this topic in the church today, and it is something that needs to be addressed.
Ultimately it is up to you as a Christian to decide whether or not you believe that this passage of the Bible really means what it says. You can do so by reading the Bible for yourself or by asking a pastor to explain the truth about this passage of the Bible.