Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – 031 – James 4:7 – Surrendering to God!

Today’s Super Verse is James 4.7 – Surrendering to God!

In the James 4:7 passage, the aorist tense is used to elucidate the important steps in a successful submission to God. Surrendering to God is a difficult task for those self-reliant individuals. Those who are unwilling to submit are likely to succumb to the Devil.

The best way to submit to God is to submit to His will. A good way to learn how to do this is to read the Bible and learn about God’s ways. Submitting to the Lord will not be easy, but He will reward you for your faithfulness. Having a humble heart is the key to a successful surrender.

The most important step in submitting to God is to acknowledge and admit that you are a sinner. When we see our sin for what it is, we can then repent and become Christians.

The James 4:7 passage is about more than simply renouncing our wicked ways. It also highlights the importance of the smallest gestures in a Christian’s life. One example of a small gesture is a prayer. We must be careful to pray sincerely.

Surrendering to God means giving up the things that keep us down. It means giving up our pride and selfish ambition. This is a hard thing to do, but the end result is a happier, more contented, and spiritually mature person.

The aorist tense gives the imperatives of sense of urgency. This is especially true for the aforementioned “mires” and “miracles”. These are not just words to memorize, they are steps toward a better life.

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