Today’s Superverse is Isaiah 53:5 – But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Wait how many hundred years is that 100 350 425 462 700. How could he know what was going to happen 700 years before it actually happened oh hello there Bible biters I was just reading today super verse and I started doing some research on Isaiah you see Isaiah was a prophet a prophet is a messenger of God and a prophecy is the message God wants the prophet to share usually about the Future which brings us back to 700 years 700 years before Jesus was even born Isaiah was prophesying about Jesus’s birth death and Resurrection 100 years let us read from this prophetic book together today’s server versus Isaiah 53 5 it says but he was pierced for our Rebellion crushed for our sins he was beaten so we could be whole he was whipped so we could be healed centuries before Jesus came to Earth the Prophet Isaiah wrote about him and described what Jesus was going to go through to save us from the punishment of our sins is this not incredible what is incredible you see we are not innocent and sometimes we do bad things that do not please God we sin and that sin separates us from him but as we know that is right the love of God is so great that he made a way for us to be forgiven that is why today’s super verse is so amazing God sent his son who never Sinned and was completely innocent to die in our place Jesus would endure so much pain and suffering so our relationship with God would be healed through that sacrifice we were made whole and when we believe in Jesus confess our sins and choose to follow him we become a new creation to read more prophecies about the Old Testament download the free Superbook Bible app and get reading today while there you can watch free Superbook