Today’s Superverse is Acts 2:38 – And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Hello Bible biters hola bonjour guten Talk konnichiwa Chauvet and Nihao wow so Many languages every time I read from Acts 2 I get so excited about what the Holy Spirit did that I want to pull out My language scribulator and multi-fun Coder and start speaking in multiple Languages too What did the Holy Spirit do well on a Day we call Pentecost the Holy Spirit Fell Upon A group of Believers and gave Them the ability to speak in other Languages That’s incredible yep and this was a big Deal because Jerusalem was filled with People from all over the world who spoke Different languages and now the Believers could tell them all the Wonderful things God had done in their Own own native languages wow amazing if You think that is amazing the words Peter said to the crowd next were the Cherries on top of the Sunday of Awesomeness wow really really let us Read Peter’s words to the crowd together Today’s super verse is Acts 2 38 it Reads Peter replied each of you must Repent of your sins and turn to God and Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ For the Forgiveness of your sins then You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Peter told the crowd how they too could Be forgiven of their sins and receive
The gifts of the holy spirit awesomeness Mind blown the people needed to turn From their sins believe that Jesus died And rose again and declare their faith Through baptism then they would get the Amazing gifts of the Holy Spirit And that is a gift that keeps on giving They would not only receive the power of The Holy Spirit but they would also be Able to have eternal life in heaven do You want to know the best part yeah sure Jesus Promised all this to us too Everyone from every nation tribe and Tonkin have the Holy Spirit so do not Wait believe confess and receive Jesus’s Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit To learn more about the power of the Holy Spirit download the free Superbook Bible app there you can read scripture Play fun games and watch free Superbook Episodes remember to like And subscribe See you next time