Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – Love Each Other (John 13:34)

Today’s Superverse is John 13:34 – Love Each Other

Hello Bible biters I am really excited To share today super verse with you oh Why is that because it is one of Jesus’s Greatest Commandments A commandment is a rule given to us by God So it is very important Important I cannot wait any longer let Us read today’s super verse together John Chapter 13 Verse 34 says so now I Am giving you a new commandment love Each other just as I have loved you you Should love each other I told you this rule was very important When Jesus gave this commandment to his Disciples he knew that he was not going To be with them in person much longer They needed to love one another as Jesus Loved them so that the world could see That kind of love and want to be a part Of Jesus’s family too How do we love others like Jesus Jesus Showed amazing love to his followers by Serving them he prayed for them fed them When they were hungry healed them washed Their feet and taught them about the Kingdom of God however his love did not Stop there Jesus showed love to everyone Even the people who did not love him Back in fact he loved the world so much That he died on the cross for our sins So that everyone who believes in Jesus Can have eternal life with him in heaven So how can you love like Jesus by loving

Each other Want to learn more about loving each Other like Jesus download the free Superbook Bible app there you can play Super fun games and watch free Superbook Episodes be sure to like And subscribe See you next time

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