Today’s Super Verse is Psalm 34:1 – Praise the Lord at ALL Times!
Praise the Lord at ALL Times – Psalm 34
If you are in a time of trouble, Psalm 34 encourages you to keep praising the Lord at all times. God will rescue you when you cry out to him, and he will help you find peace. When you praise him, you will have joy and a happy heart.
David wrote this psalm after a very difficult time in his life. He was fleeing from King Saul to the town of Gath. While he was there, he met with King Achish. The king saw that David was a great warrior, so he let him go.
Afterwards, David fled to a cave called Adullam. This is where he was able to meet with his family. Once there, he had a revelation that the Lord had taken care of him. His inmost being cried out to the Lord and found praise for him.
In the next few verses, David declares his intention to praise the Lord at all times. He also invites the humble to join him in this act.
The psalm is an acrostic poem, using the Hebrew alphabet for the opening stanzas and successive letters for the rest of the psalm. It is a reminder to a psalmist that he will always praise God.
Psalm 34 is a powerful and wise psalm written by David. It is full of wisdom and reminds the psalmist that he can lean on God during tough times. Those who seek the LORD will never lack good things.