Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – Romans 12:17– Living in Harmony

Today’s SuperVerse is Romans 12:17 – Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.

Living in Harmony – Romans 12:17

In a culture where revenge is common, Christians must be aware that they should never take revenge against others. They should instead pursue peace and seek reconciliation.

God has given each of us the gift of peace and the desire to avoid faction and strife. In order for this to happen, we must learn to see things from God’s perspective and make the right choices.

Having learned how to live in harmony with others, we are now ready to help others deal with their struggles and problems. One way to do this is by entering into the joys and sorrows of other people.

The key is to sincerely listen to them and take their words in. This requires self-denial, which is not easy.

When you are able to enter into another person’s joy or pain, it is an act of love. It is an offering of yourself to them and to God, which is real worship.

Spiritual Wisdom & Counsel

We must always remember that we are in the business of serving God, and that means relying on His guidance when it comes to life. Our actions should always be motivated by love. That means that we must love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Living in Harmony Romans 1217


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