Gizmo’s Daily Bible Byte – Romans 12:2 – Be Transformed

Join Gizmo each day for fun and exciting Bible lessons! Today’s Superverse is Romans 12:2 – Be Transformed

Hello there kidbot do you know what I Realized today I am a caterpillar but soon I will be a Butterfly what are you talking about if You’re not a caterpillar I am talking Metaphorically of course okay I still Don’t get it well you remember zigmo Right the Steeler squisher and waster of Tater tots Well he has a Daily Show too and his Likes and subscribes are way higher than Mine How is that possible well you see on his Show he keeps up with all the latest Trends he said if I really want to be Successful I need to stop talking about God so much and you know the worst part I really thought about taking zigmo’s Advice I am glad you asked but first to the Super verse Today’s super versus Romans 12 2 it says Don’t copy the behavior and customs of This world but let God transform you Into a new person by changing the way You think then you will learn to know God’s will for you which is good and Pleasing and perfect God does not want us to think and act Like the people in the world instead he Wants us to focus on him so we can be Changed and transformed from the inside Out into a new creation that lives a Good life pleasing to God now do you see

Why I was thinking about caterpillars Yeah they’re Transformers yeah Transformers exactly in order to become A butterfly caterpillars have to be Transformed made into a whole new Creation and that is what God wants to Do with us he wants to transform us into A beautiful new creation if we are not Willing to be transformed and we only Try to fit in with what everyone else is Doing we stay caterpillars I do not know About you but I would rather be a Butterfly They look cool too so how can we be Transformed by studying his word That is right the Bible is God’s word to Us the more we study and get to know God The more we are changed to be like him Our thoughts become his thoughts and our Actions reflect his character you can Also watch Bible bites pray and go to Youth group The Closer you get to God The more you learn about his will for Your life and seek to follow him so do Not let others pressure you into staying A caterpillar seek God and let him Transform you like a butterfly to learn More about how God transforms us to be Like him download the free Superbook Bible app while there you can watch free Superbook episodes and play fun games do Not forget to like And subscribe goodbye

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