Hebrews 10:19 – Entering Into the Holy Place

Today’s Superverse is Hebrews 10:19 – Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus

Hebrews has often been called the “little epistle of exhortation.” Like any good sermon, this text (Heb 10:19) offers exposition, illustration and application – acting as an alarm for Christians who profess faith but fail to fully commit their lives to Him. Hebrews urges these professed followers of Christ to stop living according to worldly standards and begin living for Jesus within His Holy Place.

Jesus stands apart from ancient high priests by serving for all eternity rather than serving for just a limited amount of time and dying; He stands between God and humanity as mediator, offering Himself as sacrifice for sins committed against Him by humanity. Jesus accomplished this through being raised from the dead; thus opening a gateway into God’s presence for eternity to come.

Jesus’ death on the cross was no mere act; rather, it represented a comprehensive and perfect atonement for our sins. Not only was He atoning for physical sins but also our spirit’s wicked souls – hence His position as Mediator between our souls and bodies. By accepting His blood as our sacrifice He can enter into our inner sanctuary on our behalf to cleanse away all unrighteousness so we may draw nearer to grace’s throne in search of mercy and help.

If a believer feels guilt over his sin and defilement before God, there is only one solution: coming into God’s holy presence to meet with him directly. Simply admiring buildings or their external furnishings such as painted windows or long drawn aisles won’t suffice – true and holy communion must take place between Father and child.

Paul illustrates this by looking at Christ’s priestly office: his cleansing of flesh, wearing of holy linen garments, blood sacrificed, and burning of incense all indicate his ministry as priesthood; furthermore, this role wasn’t assigned through an external law but “by an oath”, signifying its permanence.

Step two is believing that this blood provides us, sinful and feeble as we may be, the freedom, confidence, and boldness to draw near to God even while remaining sinful and weak. Do it now to experience God’s great gift – His promise that opens a gateway into heaven forever through Christ Jesus – believer! And live for God while enjoying His presence forevermore!

Hebrews 1019

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