James 3:13-18 – The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

James 3:13-18  “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

The defining characteristic of true religion is the response it brings to adversity in another person’s life. In James 1:12 and 2:12, we are told that true religion is expressed in how we deal with our adversities. James also warns us about willful discrimination and subtle partiality. Hypocrisy is characterized by saying one thing and doing another.

The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

The most supreme example of wisdom and understanding in true religion is Christ. After Christ’s death, God sent Peter to Caesarea. He met Cornelius, a Roman centurion surrounded by Gentiles. Peter had never sought to convert Gentiles before and assumed the people he met already knew about Jesus. He confidently stated that Jesus had spent His whole ministry helping people.

The true display of wisdom and understanding in true religion cannot be confined to the ivory tower. A man’s natural tendency is to sit and think. Yet it is not an exaggeration to say that he is also prone to laziness. True Christians cannot be ivory-tower Christians who spend their time arguing. Instead, they should offer a cold drink to the thirsty.

James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

To Be Seen In One’s Conduct

“True religion displays heavenly wisdom in one’s behavior” – In other words, one’s conduct is an expression of one’s spiritual wisdom. In this passage, James is speaking to Christians who wish to promote peace, without compromising their faith. In fact, such people are characterized by heavenly wisdom, since they recognize unity as a valuable commodity.

In contrast, the wisdom of God is characterized by goodness and mercy. As James describes it, heavenly wisdom is full of mercy, especially for those who are suffering. Mercy abounds in good works, such as forgiveness, compassion, and sensitivity. Mercy contrasts with the evil works of earthly wisdom. God’s mercy is the greatest quality in a person. In fact, Jesus said, “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36

With Works Done In Meekness

A wise man demonstrates the fruits of knowledge through his life and work. He does not indulge in strife and bitter envy, two devilish, earthly qualities. Instead, he engages in the fruitful practices of peace and mercy. Such wisdom brings about justice, mercy, and impartiality. In contrast, a wicked person does not display the fruits of wisdom. Those who show the fruit of wisdom are truly wise.

James describes the kinds of work Christians should do. These can range from acts of kindness to on-the-job work to increasing the sustainable yield of rice paddies. By using the plural form of “works,” he indicates that these activities must be ongoing and never stop. While James stresses the importance of work for the Christian life, this is not a one-time event. James expects believers to perform their works consistently throughout their lifetimes.

What Are The Characteristics of Earthly Wisdom

Full of Bitter Envy

Hebrews 12:15 “See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;”

The display of earthly wisdom is full of bitter, ungrateful envy. It will lead to chaos and evil. It will be distorted into selfish ambition, which is demonic and unspiritual. Only wisdom from above is pure, peaceful, and gentle at all times. These qualities will be the fruit of true wisdom. Worldly wisdom will create more disorder and evil than good.

In James, the apostle warns against earthly wisdom. The devil always creates disorder and discord among God’s people 1 John 5:18-19. This shows that our spirit is opposed to God’s plan. It will lead to the destruction of all things, including our spiritual lives. The fountain of bitter envy is the manifestation of selfishness. We should never let anyone fool us into thinking that we are wise.



James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

1 Corinthians 10:24 “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.”

The word self-seeking is used to describe the wisdom of this world. The term itself implies the pursuit of personal ambitions and disregard for others. Earthly wisdom is not godly and reflects an inward focus on self. Self-seeking is the opposite of biblical wisdom. People who focus on themselves and their achievements are not wise. Therefore, such wisdom is false. In contrast, people who live a godly life strive to bring others with them.

People who show pride in their own knowledge often display self-seeking as a display of earthy wisdom. In the first instance, the woman chose to eat the fruit of a tree despite God’s command to not touch or eat the fruit. But when she ate the fruit, it was for food, to please her eyes, and to gain wisdom. These are all signs of earthly wisdom. Self-seeking is a manifestation of worldly wisdom, which has no place in the church of the Lord.

Boasting and Lying

James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

James 4:6 “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Boasting and lying are examples of false wisdom. These kinds of thinking are motivated by selfish ambition and self-worship. Moreover, they want other people to think well of them. They use extreme forms of communication, such as temper and silent treatment, to make others feel better about themselves.

Worldly wisdom, on the other hand, is demonic and unspiritual. It is self-seeking, characterized by an inward focus on self and disregard for others. It is in direct opposition to Godly wisdom. The purpose of earthly wisdom is to make a living, which is in contrast to the eternal, spiritual wisdom of the Bible.

A Wisdom Not From Above

In the Bible, wisdom not from above is characterized by selfish ambition and an inward focus on one’s own interests. These people are not filled with wisdom from God, and their selfishness is a travesty to their congregations. James argues that such people cannot claim to have wisdom from God. Wisdom not from above is of this world, but not of God.

But is Earthly

Earthly wisdom is self-seeking, inward-focused, and self-centered. The self-centered spirit leads to a chaos of discontent, envy, and strife. This wisdom is contrary to godliness since it promotes self-importance and pride. However, earthly wisdom can also be a display of knowledge, such as the tower of Babel, which was built by people who were self-centered.

In contrast, God’s wisdom is the ultimate knowledge that provides life and protects its possessor. It is the only standard by which we can measure our own conduct. Human wisdom is not able to change God’s morality, and we can never justify sinful behavior with it. Sadly, most earthly wisdom is just a display. Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 describes the futility of earthly wisdom, a display of selfishness. In other words, the wisdom of the world leads men to the grave.


James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

Colossians 2:8 “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.”

The display of earthly wisdom is devilish and sensual. Most decisions and actions are based on the desires of the flesh, which are opposite to the ways of God. The display of sensual wisdom is a common occurrence in this world. We are commanded to be self-controlled, but our instincts and desires are far more powerful than our intelligence. Despite its devilish nature, we should never let it rule our lives!

The book of James said, that wisdom does not come down from heaven but arises from below is earthly, sensual, and animalistic. Because of its devilish nature, it is not of God. It is of the world and serves the interests of flesh. The devil is the source of this knowledge. It comes from the devil, and he uses it to manipulate people and society.


2 Corinthians 4:4 “In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

Earthly wisdom is the opposite of heavenly wisdom. It is humanistic, envious, and selfish. It opens the door to evil and introduces all manner of sins into our lives. To distinguish between these two kinds of wisdom, one should use the Word of God as his primary checkpoint. But if it contradicts this, it is demonic wisdom and we must reject it.

True wisdom is biblical. The ungodly or earthly wisdom is demonic. It leads people into the lies of the devil and temporal approaches. These false wisdom are demonic, not biblical. But they can be identified because they have earthly and demonic characteristics. James describes demonic wisdom as a product of the world’s values, which promote individual interests and temporal approaches.

The Display of Heavenly Wisdom

James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding


The word “pure” in James 1:14-15 describes God’s wisdom. Wisdom from God is different from wisdom from this world because it is rooted in the will of the creator. The wisdom that lacks this foundation is impure, while wisdom that comes from above is pure in devotion and morality. True wisdom is pure, free of factionalism and self-seeking nature. It provides a firm foundation on which to build the rest of one’s life.


This type of wisdom is peaceable and reasonable. It is without hypocrisy or favoritism and is unwavering in its integrity. People who possess this wisdom are free of selfishness and are kind. They have good fruit and are able to counsel others. James calls such people “wise” because they do not provoke strife. They seek to settle conflicts rather than provoke. They are kind, and full of mercy. True wisdom is peaceable, easy to entreat, and fruitful. The fruit of true wisdom is righteousness and integrity. The fruit of wisdom that is from above is a reflection of the character of the person who has it.


James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

The word gentle carries a sense of leniency and forgiveness and is an important attribute of wisdom from above. It also conveys the idea that we owe things to others and expect to be treated accordingly.  However, the word gentle is not just about being polite. We should also remember that gentleness is a virtue that is a part of the gospel work.

As Christians, we are encouraged to be gentle and Christ-like. Wisdom from above communicates through our actions, words, and attitudes. For example, Christian men and women are encouraged to follow their values and behave as Christ-like gentlemen. This kind of gentleness involves seeking peace and pursuing it without quarreling. If you desire peace in your relationships, you must be patient and gentle with those around you.

Willing to Yield

The Bible describes wisdom as a quality that comes from above, guided by the Holy Spirit and bursting with compassion. It is free of partiality, hypocrisy, and self-righteousness. The Greek word translated as “yield” means to “obey easily.” This quality of humility was present in both Jesus and the apostles of his day.

The word reasonable comes from the same root word as “reasonable,” and it carries with it the idea of yielding and obedience. Willing to yield is one of the characteristics of godly wisdom. Wisdom from above is easy to recognize, and it will motivate us to do what is right for others.

Full of Mercy

James 3:13-18 - The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

A wise person exhibits many traits, including the tendency to give mercy. This type of wisdom is indicative of a person’s relationship with Christ. They don’t manipulate people and aren’t prone to using their positions for personal gain. They trust in God and do not manipulate others. The fruit of their righteousness is sown in their peace with others. The wise person also avoids judging others and does not show favoritism.

Producing Good Fruits

According to Proverbs 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise.” James, a New Testament letter writer, defines godly wisdom as producing good fruit. The Bible often uses the metaphor “fruits” to describe human life. Some fruits are indicative of a life led by God’s spirit, while others are not. Here are some characteristics of good fruits:

Without Partiality

James 2:1-13

Unlike wisdom that comes from a person’s own experience, wisdom that comes from above is a gift from God. It is free of partiality. It is peaceful, considerate, and compassionate at all times. It is also free of hypocrisy. In addition, it is easy to entreat. All these characteristics make wise people desire to be around.

As a result, we need to learn to act without partiality. For this to happen, we must first learn to live without the automatic responses that make us feel good. The wisdom that comes from above seeks to help us live more fully in the world and experience more happiness.

Thoughts To Ponder

What are the qualities of wisdom that are from above?
What are the qualities of wisdom that is not from above?
How is the person with wisdom from above manifest himself?

First of all, we need to differentiate between earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom. The first type is earthly, natural, and demonic. It is based on falsehood and lies and often leads to destructive behavior and words. On the other hand, heavenly wisdom demonstrates itself in the form of godly works. Wisdom from above is God-given and unfeigned. It promotes peace and does not justify selfish ambition or envy.

This wisdom consists of the principles of justice and mercy. Wisdom from above is unfeigned, sincere, and pure. It reflects the character of God. Its purpose is to bring peace to the world.

God-Given Wisdom To King Solomon

One of the most impressive examples of Solomon’s wisdom is the incident where he decided to split the son into two of two mothers by sword 1 Kings 3:16–28. He understood that his true mother would have rather lost her son to another woman than to have him killed. In 1 Kings 10, Solomon’s wisdom and understanding were confirmed by the Queen of Sheba, a prostitute. This proves that wisdom is not limited to academic knowledge. Whether you are a businessman, a parent, or a politician, wisdom is all about putting knowledge into action.


Desire true wisdom. If you desire true wisdom, then nothing else in life will measure up. It will guard your soul, and increase your strength. You will need many advisors and guidance to win a war, but none of them will compare to the wisdom of God. He is the only source of true wisdom, and He is present in every part of the Bible. This is what makes His words so powerful. This is why we must seek wisdom as a person in order to see His glory. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

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