Jesus Forgives Peter

In the video “Jesus Forgives Peter” by Saddleback Kids, you will witness the incredible story of Peter, a fisherman who became one of Jesus’ closest followers. Peter witnessed countless miracles and listened to Jesus’ teachings, but when the time came for Jesus to die for the sins of the world, Peter’s faith was tested. Jesus revealed that Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed, and although Peter vowed to stay by Jesus’ side until the end, he ultimately faltered. However, Jesus’s forgiveness and love shone through as He appeared to Peter after His resurrection, giving Peter the opportunity to reaffirm his love and commitment. This powerful story of mercy and redemption shows us that even when we make mistakes, forgiveness is always possible, and through Jesus, we can find love and grace.

Learn more about the Jesus Forgives Peter here.

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In the Bible, there are many stories that teach us valuable lessons about faith, forgiveness, and redemption. One such story is about Peter, a fisherman who was called by Jesus to be one of his disciples. Throughout the course of Peter’s journey with Jesus, he experienced moments of great triumph and deep sorrow. This article will explore Peter’s call to follow Jesus, his denial of Jesus, and the forgiveness and redemption he received.

Peter’s Call to Follow Jesus

Peter was an ordinary fisherman, going about his daily work when Jesus approached him and called him to be one of his disciples. Peter witnessed the many miracles performed by Jesus and heard his teachings firsthand. He was captivated by Jesus’ presence and teachings and felt a deep connection to him. Peter eagerly accepted the call to follow Jesus and embarked on a life-changing journey.

Peter’s Denial of Jesus

Despite Peter’s unwavering devotion to Jesus, he encountered a moment of weakness that would test his faith. During Jesus’ final meal with his friends, Peter questioned Jesus about where he was going and expressed his readiness to die for him. However, Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed the next morning.

True to Jesus’ words, when Jesus was arrested and brought before the high priest, Peter denied knowing him not once, but three times. Overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, Peter disowned Jesus, betraying his loyalty and love for his teacher and friend.

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Jesus’ Final Meal with His Friends

Prior to his arrest, Jesus gathered with his disciples for a final meal. During this meal, Jesus gave them instructions and shared important teachings. It was during this time that Peter questioned Jesus about his destination and expressed his willingness to die for him. Little did Peter know that his resolve would soon be tested.

Peter’s Question to Jesus

In the midst of the meal, Peter asked Jesus where he was going. He couldn’t fathom the idea of Jesus leaving them and wanted to ensure that he could follow him wherever he went. Peter’s question reflected his deep love and commitment to Jesus, but he was not prepared for Jesus’ response.

Jesus’ Response to Peter

Jesus informed Peter that he couldn’t follow him at that moment, but he would follow him later. This statement confused Peter, as he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t accompany Jesus immediately. Jesus, however, knew that Peter’s faith needed to be refined and strengthened through the upcoming trials and tribulations.

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Peter’s Vow to Stay with Jesus

Undeterred by Jesus’ prediction of his denial, Peter made a solemn vow to stay with Jesus until the very end. He believed wholeheartedly in his love and loyalty for Jesus and could not fathom the thought of abandoning him.

Disciples Scattering as Jesus Predicted

As events unfolded, Jesus was arrested by the religious leaders and Peter, true to his vow, attempted to fight for Jesus. In his desperation, he even cut off the ear of one of the guards. However, Jesus healed the injured guard and willingly went with his captors. In the face of danger, all the disciples scattered, just as Jesus had predicted.

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Jesus’ Arrest and Peter’s Attempt to Fight

During Jesus’ arrest, Peter’s bravery and loyalty shone through as he attempted to defend his teacher. He unsheathed his sword and struck one of the guards, cutting off his ear. Peter’s actions reflected his unwavering commitment to Jesus, but it also showcased his flawed understanding of Jesus’ mission.

Peter’s Denial of Knowing Jesus

In the midst of Jesus’ trial, Peter found himself in the courtyard, seeking warmth by a fire. A servant girl noticed him and recognized him as one of Jesus’ followers. For the first time, Peter denied knowing Jesus, claiming that he didn’t even know who Jesus was. As the night progressed, Peter denied his association with Jesus two more times, just as Jesus had predicted.

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Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Following Jesus’ arrest, he was crucified, and his body was placed in a tomb. The disciples, devastated and grief-stricken, believed that their beloved teacher was gone forever. However, to their astonishment, Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, conquering death and offering hope and salvation to all who believe.

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples, showing them that he was indeed alive. He brought them comfort, reassurance, and a renewed sense of purpose. One such encounter occurred when Peter and the other disciples went fishing and saw Jesus standing on the beach. This encounter was a powerful reminder of Jesus’ love and forgiveness for Peter.

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Peter Goes Fishing

Following Jesus’ resurrection, Peter and the other disciples found solace in returning to the familiar routine of fishing. However, their efforts were futile, and they caught nothing throughout the night. As dawn broke, they saw a figure standing on the beach, calling out to them.

Jesus’ Encounter with the Disciples

The mysterious figure on the beach was none other than Jesus himself. He instructed the disciples to cast their nets on the right side of the boat, resulting in an overwhelming abundance of fish. This miracle served as a reminder of Jesus’ power and authority and reignited the disciples’ faith and belief in him.

Jesus’ Conversation with Peter

After the disciples reached the shore, they found breakfast waiting for them. During the meal, Jesus engaged in a conversation with Peter. He asked Peter if he loved him, to which Peter responded affirmatively. Jesus then instructed Peter to take care of his lambs and sheep, emphasizing the importance of leadership and caring for others.

This exchange occurred three times, mirroring Peter’s three denials of Jesus. Peter was hurt by Jesus’ repeated questioning but affirmed his love for him each time. Jesus’ final words were a reaffirmation of Peter’s restoration and his role in carrying on Jesus’ teachings and establishing the church.

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Peter’s Call to Follow Jesus

Peter’s journey with Jesus began when he was called by Jesus to be one of his disciples. Captivated by Jesus’ miracles and teachings, Peter eagerly accepted the call and embarked on a life-changing journey. His faith and devotion to Jesus grew with each passing day.

Peter’s Denial of Jesus

Despite his unwavering commitment to Jesus, Peter experienced a moment of weakness and fear. As Jesus faced arrest and trial, Peter denied knowing him three times, betraying his loyalty and love. This painful experience showcased Peter’s human frailty and the profound impact of fear on one’s faith.

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Jesus’ Final Meal with His Friends

Jesus’ final meal with his disciples held significant importance and served as a culmination of his teachings and ministry. It was during this meal that Peter questioned Jesus about his destination and made his bold statements of loyalty and devotion.

Peter’s Question to Jesus

Peter, unable to comprehend the thought of Jesus leaving them, questioned where Jesus was going. His inquiry reflected his love and commitment to Jesus but also revealed his limited understanding of Jesus’ mission and purpose.

Jesus’ Response to Peter

In response to Peter’s question, Jesus informed him that he couldn’t follow him at that moment but would follow him later. Jesus knew that Peter’s faith needed to be tested and refined, preparing him for the challenges and trials that lay ahead.

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Peter’s Vow to Stay with Jesus

Undeterred by Jesus’ prophecy of his denial, Peter made a solemn vow to stay with Jesus until the very end. His unwavering commitment and love for Jesus compelled him to make this profound declaration.

Disciples Scattering as Jesus Predicted

As events unfolded, Jesus was arrested, and the disciples scattered, just as Jesus had predicted. Despite their promises to remain loyal, fear and uncertainty overwhelmed them, leading to their dispersion.


Peter’s journey with Jesus was filled with moments of triumph and failure. He experienced the deep sorrow of denying his beloved teacher and friend, Jesus, three times. However, Peter’s story doesn’t end in despair; it serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and redemption.

After Jesus’ resurrection, he appeared to Peter and the disciples, offering them forgiveness and reaffirming their purpose. Peter went on to feed Jesus’ sheep by helping establish the church and writing books that are now included in the Bible. Through Peter’s life, many came to know the love and forgiveness of Jesus, experiencing firsthand the miracle of mercy.

Peter’s story serves as a reminder that no matter how grave our mistakes and failures may be, forgiveness and redemption are always within reach. Our journey with Jesus is not defined by our shortcomings, but rather by the transformative power of his love and grace.

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