Lift Up Your Hands – Basil Valdez

Lift Up Your Hands God Cares For You

Bible Reading Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” It may seem impossible to trust God, but He will take care of you no matter what your worries are. He has a plan for your life, and He is always watching over you. So, don’t worry – he’s got it covered. But you need to do something about your worries before He can. You need to stop worrying and turn everything over to Him. Let him worry about your problems.

The Bible says to cast your worries on Him. Regardless of the type of Bible you’re reading, you should take comfort in knowing that God will take care of your needs. You’ll be able to forget about your concerns because God will take care of them.

As long as you have faith in God, you don’t need to worry. He is the one who cares for you. He knows every detail about you, and he has a plan for you to prosper. He’ll carry your worries for you. And he’ll give you peace through His Holy Spirit. But you need to know that God is the only one who can truly make you free from all your fears.

Lift Up Your Hands He Will Give You Rest

Jesus’ invitation to come to him is soft and gentle, a picture of human wretchedness, and includes the words, “Come to me, and I will give you rest.” He wants us to recognize that this is our ultimate goal, and we need to make it a priority to receive it. We can rest assured that we will be given rest in the presence of the Father. He will make our path to the Father easy and comfortable.

Matthew’s words are filled with divine compassion. Jesus looks deep into the heart history of each soul, and speaks to them with divine power. Even though Jesus was a thirty-year-old Jewish peasant, he was aware of their toil and sorrow. He is speaking to them with the power of the divine. We can rest in His love. And we can rest in His peace. And the best news of all is that we do not have to suffer.

Lift Up Your Hands - Basil Valdez

Christ’s invitation to those in need of rest does not impose restrictions. He invites everyone to draw close to Him and receive rest. Only He is able to take the yoke of sin away, heal the broken, set the captives free, and forgive the ungodly. His invitation to all who believe in His name is a universal one. The only restriction is your willingness to believe.

What Is Spiritual Blessing

Lift Up Your Hands - Basil Valdez

The Israelites, for example, were unable to enter the promised land until they experienced the “rest” of God. During their wilderness journey, they had to rely on God’s word to heal them. In fact, they never entered the promised land until they experienced a time of rest. The Bible teaches that resting in the presence of God is the only way we can find true rest. We must learn to rest in the presence of God, or else we will lose the power to enjoy His blessings.

It is important to recognize that rest is not an exclusive privilege reserved for the rich or famous. The poor and oppressed have no rest, and so we need to be more aware of our needs and the times we need to rest. It is not about self-will or striving to be perfect. We need to rest in the presence of God. Our Lord has promised to give us a sabbath day, and it is our duty to take it.

Bible Reading Matthew 11:28 Quote

Lift Up Your Hands - Basil Valdez

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