Mary And Gabriel Revisited

Chris, Joy, and Gizmo revisit when the angel Gabriel visited Mary.

This is so cool Superbook take us back To Noah’s Arkham no no wait at the fall Of Jericho yeah no wait there is one Last Bible story you must revisit to Fully understand God’s promise [Music] Do not be afraid Mary For you have found favor with God And behold you will conceive in your Womb and bring forth a son and shall Call his name Jesus he will be great and Will be called the son of the highest And the Lord God will give him the Throne of his father David And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever And of his kingdom there will be no end How can this happen For I am a virgin The holy spirit will come upon you and The power of the highest will overshadow You Therefore also that Holy one who is to Be born will be called the son of God

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