Moses and the Burning Bush

In the video “Moses and the Burning Bush” by Saddleback Kids, the story of Moses is beautifully depicted. Moses, an Israelite boy, was born in Egypt at a time when Israelite boys were not supposed to survive. However, God had a special plan for Moses. After making a big mistake and fleeing from Egypt, Moses found himself in the land of Midian, where he stood up for seven sisters who were being driven away by shepherds. Impressed by his act of kindness, Jethro, the Midianite priest, sent for Moses and invited him to live among them. Meanwhile, back in Egypt, a new Pharaoh continued to mistreat the Israelites, and they cried out to God. One day, while Moses was tending Jethro’s flock, he encountered an angel of the Lord in a burning bush that did not burn up. Through the voice of God, Moses was called upon to free the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt. Although Moses doubted himself, God assured him of His presence and promised to be with him every step of the way. With the staff of God in his hand, Moses embarked on the journey back to Egypt, ready to demonstrate God’s awesome power to the Israelites and the Egyptians.

The story of Moses and the Burning Bush is a timeless tale of faith, perseverance, and the power of God’s presence. It serves as a reminder that even when we doubt ourselves, God is always with us, guiding and empowering us to fulfill His purposes. Through this captivating video by Saddleback Kids, the story comes to life in a way that engages the hearts and minds of viewers, inspiring them to trust in God’s plan for their own lives. Join Moses on his incredible journey as he discovers his true calling and witnesses firsthand the miracles and wonders that God can bring about.

Discover more about the Moses and the Burning Bush.


In the story of Moses and the burning bush, we discover the incredible journey of a man chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. This article will delve into the background of Moses, the suffering of the Israelites, the encounter with the burning bush, God’s empowerment of Moses, Moses’ reluctance and God’s response, and Moses’ return to Egypt. We will also explore the significance of the staff of God and how it played a pivotal role in demonstrating God’s power. Through this narrative, we can learn valuable lessons about faith, obedience, and the incredible ways in which God works in our lives.

The Background of Moses

Moses’ Early Life in Egypt

Moses had an extraordinary beginning, being born as an Israelite boy during a time when the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians. However, unlike most Israelite babies, Moses was saved from death. He was placed in a basket by his mother and set adrift in the Nile River. Miraculously, Pharaoh’s daughter discovered him and took him in as her own son, raising him in the palace of the Pharaoh.

Moses’ Mistake and Escape to Midian

As Moses grew up, he became aware of his Israelite heritage and made a grave mistake. He killed an Egyptian who was mistreating an Israelite slave. When Pharaoh found out about this, he sought to have Moses killed, prompting Moses to flee from Egypt. He found refuge in the land of Midian, where he encountered seven sisters at a well. Moses defended the women from shepherds and caught the attention of Jethro, a Midianite priest. Jethro invited Moses to live among the Midianites, eventually leading to Moses marrying one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah.

Moses’ Life among the Midianites

During his time in Midian, Moses worked as a shepherd, looking after Jethro’s flock. This period of his life prepared Moses for the monumental task God had planned for him. Little did Moses know that his encounter with the burning bush would mark the beginning of an incredible journey that would change the course of history.

The Suffering of the Israelites

The Poor Treatment of the Israelites under the New Pharaoh

Unfortunately, the Israelites’ suffering did not end with the death of the old Pharaoh. A new Pharaoh rose to power, and he continued to oppress the Israelites, subjecting them to harsh labor and cruel treatment. The Israelites endured years of hardship and injustice under the oppressive rule.

The Cries of the Israelites

As the Israelites faced unbearable conditions, their cries for help reached the heavens. Their collective pain and desperation touched the heart of God, and He determined to intervene on their behalf.

God’s Plan to Act

In response to the cries of His people, God devised a plan to deliver the Israelites from slavery. He chose Moses as the vessel through which His plan would unfold. God’s faithfulness to His people and His desire to set them free led to the extraordinary encounter between Moses and the burning bush.

The Encounter with the Burning Bush

Moses’ Revelation of the Burning Bush

While tending Jethro’s flock one day, Moses came across a remarkable sight: a bush that was burning but not being consumed. Intrigued, Moses stopped to take a closer look at this unusual phenomenon.

God’s Call to Moses

As Moses observed the burning bush, he heard the voice of God calling out to him. God addressed Moses by name and revealed His deep concern for the suffering of the Israelites. He shared His plan to rescue them and informed Moses that he would be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, into freedom and the promised land.

Moses’ Doubts and Concerns

Despite being chosen by God for such a noble task, Moses struggled with doubts and insecurities. He questioned his own ability to speak effectively and worried that the Israelites would not believe him. However, God reassured Moses of His presence, promising to be with him every step of the way. He also provided Moses with signs and wonders to perform as proof of His divine power and support.

God’s Empowerment of Moses

God’s Assurance of His Presence

Understanding Moses’ apprehension, God assured him of His constant presence. He promised to accompany Moses on his journey and to provide guidance and strength when needed. God’s faithfulness and empowerment were key to Moses’ success as a leader.

God’s Command to Moses

In addition to assuring Moses of His presence, God provided him with specific commands. He instructed Moses to gather the elders of Israel, convey God’s plan to them, and request their support. God also instructed Moses to go before Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites.

The Signs and Wonders

To bolster Moses’ confidence and to demonstrate His authority, God granted him the ability to perform remarkable signs and wonders. These miracles included turning his staff into a serpent, transforming his hand with leprosy, and turning water from the Nile into blood. Through these awe-inspiring displays of power, God intended to convince both the Israelites and the Egyptians of His sovereignty and Moses’ divine appointment.

Moses’ Reluctance and God’s Response

Moses’ Lack of Confidence

Despite God’s assurances and the empowering signs, Moses still harbored doubts about his ability to lead the Israelites effectively. He struggled with feelings of inadequacy and feared he would not have the right words to persuade the people or Pharaoh.

God’s Rebuke and Solution

God, in His patience, rebuked Moses for his lack of faith and trust in His divine plan. He reminded Moses that He was the one who created speech and promised to be his mouthpiece. God assured Moses that He would give him the words to speak, removing any doubt about his ability to fulfill the task at hand.

The Appointment of Aaron

To ease Moses’ concerns about communication, God appointed Moses’ brother, Aaron, as his spokesperson. Aaron would accompany Moses on his mission and serve as a mouthpiece for Moses when needed. With Aaron by his side, Moses had the support and assistance he needed to fulfill God’s plan.

Moses’ Return to Egypt

Moses’ Conversation with His Father-in-law

Before embarking on the journey back to Egypt, Moses had a conversation with his father-in-law, Jethro. Moses shared with Jethro his encounter with the burning bush and the divine assignment entrusted to him. Jethro provided his blessing and support, acknowledging the importance of Moses’ mission.

The Journey Back to Egypt

With his father-in-law’s blessing, Moses, his family, and the staff of God in hand, began the journey back to Egypt. The journey was not only a physical one but also a spiritual and emotional one for Moses. He carried with him the weight of his responsibility and the immense task that lay ahead.

The Significance of the Staff

The staff Moses carried held profound significance in the story. It was not merely a walking stick or a tool of a shepherd. Rather, it became a symbol of God’s power and presence. The staff would serve as a tangible reminder to Moses and the Israelites of the miracles God had performed and would continue to perform on their behalf.

The Staff of God

The Tool for Demonstrating God’s Power

Throughout the journey of leading the Israelites out of Egypt, the staff of God became a powerful tool for Moses. It functioned as a conduit for divine miracles and a visual representation of the authority bestowed upon Moses. The staff transformed into a snake, struck rocks to bring forth water, and was used to perform other miraculous acts ordained by God.

The Purpose for Carrying the Staff

Beyond its role as a symbol and instrument of God’s power, the staff served a practical purpose for Moses. As a leader, Moses needed a tangible item to guide and direct the Israelites. The staff allowed Moses to lead, instruct, and protect the people as they traversed the wilderness. It was a visible sign of his position and authority as their appointed leader.

The Impact on the Israelites and Egyptians

The presence of the staff and the miracles performed with it had a profound impact on both the Israelites and the Egyptians. For the Israelites, it served as a source of hope and reminder of God’s power and faithfulness. It instilled confidence in their leader, Moses, and inspired them to trust in God’s promises. As for the Egyptians, the staff and the accompanying miracles were signs of God’s judgment and the futility of their false gods.


The story of Moses and the burning bush is an incredible tale of faith, obedience, and God’s redemptive power. Through Moses’ journey, we witness the transformation of an ordinary man into an instrument of God’s divine plan. Despite his initial doubts and reluctance, Moses embraced his role and led the Israelites towards liberation and the fulfillment of God’s promises. The burning bush serves as a reminder of God’s ability to choose and empower individuals for His purposes, regardless of their perceived limitations. May we be inspired by Moses’ story to trust in God’s guidance, lean into His presence, and step out in faith to fulfill the unique callings He has placed upon our lives.

Learn more about the Moses and the Burning Bush here.

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