heavenly wisdom

James 3:13-18 – The True Display of Wisdom And Understanding

James 3:13-18  “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the


Methuselah – What Does the Bible Say About Methuselah?

Methuselah was a prophet or priest who lived in the antediluvian age (of or belonging to the time before the biblical The Bible mentions him twice, primarily in the genealogy of Jesus and Joanna, the mother of Methuselah’s…

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God Promises Wisdom and Guidance – 5 Ways to Be More Persistent

God Promises Wisdom and He will satisfy our desires in the scorched He will make our bones When we follow God, our hearts are like a spring of water and our bones will be We will…

Jesus resurrection

Did You Know That There Are 10 Places Where People Were Raised From the Dead in the Bible

Did you know that there are 10 places where people were raised from the dead in the Bible: There are numerous places where people were raised from the Among the most famous are Elijah’s miracle of raising the dead…

Christ Healing the Blindman MET DP331198

God Who Heals – God Promises Us Health and Healing (Isaiah 53:5)

God who heals: God promises us health and He will never break His promise to us, so we should have faith in His promises and pray for If you are sick, ask the elders of the church to…

Fear not

Fear Not – Truths About God’s Promises About The Power Of Fear

Fear not, the Bible reveals some truths about God’s promises about the power of In Exodus, the Israelites acknowledge being afraid of a fortified army that would conquer their They recall God’s promises to give them land and…


God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation

God Promises Help in Overcoming Temptation: The Bible says that sin promises us things that it can never give and cannot give The truth of God’s word can combat this To begin to overcome temptation, learn a scripture…

Taming the tongue

Taming The Tongue – How True Religion Controls the Tongue

Taming the tongue is like comparing it to a wild, untamed animal, an unruly, and ultimately unreliable The tongue is irrepressible, restless, and full of It is, therefore, critical to learn how to control and regulate It…

All things work together

Romans 8:28 – All Things Working Together For Good

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his The Bible says that God is at work in Even though it might…


God’s Promises For Children and Family

God’s Promises For Children and Family: Parents are responsible for bringing up their children in the way they should go, and having children is God’s Children absorb the strength and care of their If they grow up in…