Psalm 54:4-7

Psalmist David is under attack from other Israelites from Ziph who behave like strangers; their conduct is abusive and insolent.

David prays to God for vindication from his enemies and pledges a free-will offering in thanksgiving for deliverance from them. Tmu (which here mean offerings) translates as silent blow, meaning to strike without making noise.

The Strangers Have Risen Up Against Me

Psalm 54 was composed in response to David being betrayed to Saul by Ziphites (1 Samuel 23:19-20; 26:1-2). As David is pursued by violent men, his psalmist implores God for help; asking Him for an immediate reply while showing faith that His answer will come soon enough.

His enemies were heartless and without regard for God’s truth. He trusts that the Lord will avenge them by ending their lives while sparing his own. In return for saving his life, he pledges a free will offering in gratitude.

Psalmists typically cling to God’s reputation and revealed character as an assurance that He will answer their prayers. They call upon the Lord for protection from oppressors; praise Him when He delivers them from their oppressive trials. Hebrew has an expression, selah, which indicates pauses or times of reflection within musical performances or when speaking directly to someone.

They Have No Reputation for God

God can take care of your reputation so you don’t need to spend your time trying to defend or win people over. Instead, focus on being your best and fulfilling God’s plan for you.

Joseph had to remain focused and true to God even after being falsely accused by a woman in Egypt. Instead of giving in, he chose instead to focus on his work while staying on the wall – leading him to eventually become vice president!

Keep this in mind when the Sanballats and Tobias’ of this world come against you; they cannot stop your destiny! Remain faithful to God, allow Him to fight your battles, and vindicate you; you need only worry about guarding your heart and staying on course with His purpose; He’ll take care of the rest! It is His reputation at stake!

I Will Give a Free Will Offering

After David offered thanksgiving prayers for rescue, he pledged his dedication to honor God with a free-will offering (verses 4-7). A free-will offering was an act of thanksgiving regulated by Jewish Law but presented with total freedom by the one making the pledge (Leviticus 23:38).

The New Testament commends those who freely contribute financially to ministry without coercion or coercive pressure from church leadership or mission boards (2 Corinthians 8:1-5; Acts 8:35; Philippians 4:18; 1 Timothy 5:17). Such giving can be seen as part of worship along with singing hymns, hearing sermons and praying.

Offerings during Sunday worship services give believers an opportunity to put their trust in Jesus into action! May we give freely, voluntarily, with gratitude and thankfulness in mind, and may the Lord bless us abundantly – Dr. William Walford of Bethel Theological Seminary’s Department of Old Testament

God Will Answer

The Psalmist appeals to God to answer his prayer with faith. He appeals to Him on the basis of God’s character and history of helping those who trust in Him – hoping He’ll provide assistance as He has before – “by Thy name and Thy strength”.

As David was on the run from Saul (see 1 Samuel 23), this Psalm represents his faith in God as his protector, rather than seeking revenge against Saul for what had happened. David trusted in Him alone for safety; hoping He would preserve him so he could return to offer voluntary sacrifices at God’s temple in Zion.

Psalmist David asked God to cut off his enemies with “a death-dealing blow,” or, literally speaking, the force of a ram’s horn (1 Samuel 23:6). This prayer is extremely personal and self-focused as he wanted God to protect him against enemies while vindicating him before them – certainly an action we shouldn’t shy away from demanding of Him! It wasn’t disrespectful that David demanded He hears their prayers!

Psalm 544

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