Romans 3:23 – The Righteous Judgment of God in Christ Jesus

Romans 3:23 – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 3:23 – The Righteous Judgment of God in Christ Jesus

Romans 3:23 is an important passage that teaches about the sinful nature of man and the righteousness that is given to those who believe in Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church in Corinth while he was still living in the mid-50s AD.

Romans 2:6-13; The righteous judgment of God in Christ Jesus has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets. Despite the fact that the Jews and the Gentiles have sinned, the righteousness of God has been revealed through the blood of Christ; therefore all of them have been justified freely by His grace.

The Jews believed that the Old Testament Law would make them righteous, but they were wrong. The law was a ruler or straightedge that could be placed on a person’s heart to determine if they were right or wrong.

But now by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, He has made it possible for you to be declared righteous; if only you have faith. And this faith is not based on works, so that you can boast.

This is not a new thing for Christians; it is a fundamental truth of the gospel. It is the same faith that was demonstrated by Jesus when he hung on the cross. It is the faith that gives a man hope for heaven.

Romans 323


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