Tag: Egypt

Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39-41)
Watch “Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 39-41)” to follow Joseph’s rise from slavery to leadership in Egypt. Witness his faith and dreams bring immense change and blessing.

The Pharaoh’s Surprising Decision: Hebrews Allowed to Leave Egypt
The Pharaoh’s Surprising Decision: Hebrews Allowed to Leave Egypt. Follow the incredible journey of the Hebrews as they depart from Egypt, facing challenges, and experiencing miraculous guidance. Witness their triumphant crossing of the Red Sea and their celebration of newfound freedom.

The Faithful Journey of Joseph in Egypt
Watch “The Faithful Journey of Joseph in Egypt” – a captivating Bible Stories video that showcases Joseph’s unwavering faith and resilience, teaching us to trust in God’s plan even in difficult times. Don’t miss this inspiring story!