John 14:15: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”
Obedience refers to following instructions or orders given from those in authority. It should be differentiated from conformity, where one changes their behavior so as to fit in better with others, and compliance, where changes occur because you feel it’s right.
Bible obedience refers to submission to God’s will. When we believe in Christ, this means obeying His teachings and laws as part of our Christian faith. Understanding Bible obedience is integral for living a life pleasing to Him.
The Bible is filled with examples of people living lives of obedience. Noah built an ark when God told him to in response to a warning, Abraham left his homeland following God’s will, and Joshua led his children of Israel in marching around Jericho walls before their fall.
Psalmist David asked God to lead them “in the path of Your commandments.” In Matthew 28:20, Jesus underscored this principle by emphasizing obedience as proof of genuine love (John 14:15 and 1 John 4:16).
One of the best ways you can honor God is through studying His Word on a regular basis (check out 7 awesome Bible study tips for beginners). Doing this will allow you to better get acquainted with Him and understand His truths more thoroughly, while reminding you that He’s always available through His Word as guidance for your actions and decisions.
James emphasizes in his book of James that faith without works is dead (James 2:26), meaning if you want God’s blessings, obedience and good deeds must follow as part of an active lifestyle – that type of obedience which brings about tangible results in your life.
Many believers today hold an inaccurate understanding of grace that leads them to think they can break God’s laws while still being accepted by Him – this false view of grace is known as antinomianism, and should be repented of immediately.
Paul’s goal, in contrast, was to foster faith that leads to obedience and make obedience a top priority among believers. Paul knew that obedience to the law is required for eternal life – those who disobey are doomed to hell! In order to avoid this fateful fate, obedience is vital in order to receive God’s blessings and be saved – choosing disobedience would be equivalent to hanging your wine-jar near a hot stove; eventually it would dry out and crack while when we choose obedience we remain vibrant and healthy enough to drink from His Word!