The Offering of the Widow – 12:41-44 – Stories of the Bible

This animated Bible story for kids tells the story of the Widow’s Offering.

Biblical passages: Mark 12:41-44

The offering of a widow in Mark 12:41-44 carries an emotional punch. In fact, it is one of the most emotionally charged passages in all of Scripture. It is a metaphor for redemptive history. It is also a symbol of the Hebrew Scriptures.

A poor widow made a contribution to the Temple treasury. She did not give anything for a show, but gave all that she had. This was a beautiful sacrifice, and it showed her deep love for God.

What was the meaning of the widow’s offering? How does it relate to the text of Luke 21: 1-4?

Jesus had been in the Temple with his disciples, and noticed the rich dropping huge contributions into the Temple treasury. They were giving out of surplus. But he did not condemn them. Instead, he used this example of a poor widow making an offering to teach his disciples.

The poor widow gave out of a heart of devotion, not a desire to earn recognition. She did not compete with the wealthy. Her gift was small, but it was significant.

She had two little copper coins. These were the smallest denomination of coin in Israel. Although they were insignificant in earthly terms, they were of great value in the temple’s tabulation. Combined with the penny, these two coins added up to a day’s wages for a laborer.

Unlike the Pharisees, she was not giving out of obligation. She was giving out of love and faith.

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