Titus 2:11 – Controlling Theological Principles

Today’s Superverse is Titus 2:11 – For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.

Titus 211Titus 3:9-10 contains one of the most vital controlling theological principles in Scripture: the Christian lifestyle must preach God’s grace through its power of the Holy Spirit to unbelievers who witness how Christians live their lives; this principle can either turn away from or draw people towards Christ depending on how it’s applied in a person’s daily actions.

Titus needed to deal with both Jews and Gentiles, so Paul emphasizes here how God’s grace has revealed Himself for everyone to receive salvation – not only some. Additionally, this passage emphasizes that believers should live lives that bring glory to Him.

Titus was instructed to encourage positive behaviors and correct those which conflict with them, including older men teaching younger men, as well as older women instructing younger women. Titus is further instructed to exhort bondservants to obey their masters without speaking harshly of anyone, and show all fidelity so as to glorify God our Savior’s doctrine in every possible way.

“The appearance of God’s grace” refers to Jesus Christ and His work here on Earth, and His ability to save all humans from their sin through Jesus Christ. Prior to Jesus’ coming, church focussed mainly on Jewish salvation but, since Jesus came along, has expanded its scope towards all humanity’s salvation.

Paul elaborates on this theme in other writings of his. For instance, in Galatians 3:28 he suggests that being Jewish or Gentile, slave or free, male or female or regardless of race or sexism does not matter when considering salvation and God’s grace. Likewise in Titus 2, Paul stressed the need to discourage racism and sexism within churches as well as to share the gospel message across multiple cultural contexts.

Zealous is the Greek term for passion or ardor, and when Christians exhibit it it means they are living for Christ with all of their heart and soul. Such individuals cannot allow worldly desires or lack of reverence for God to dictate any aspect of their lives – instead demonstrating genuine faith will demonstrate an eagerness to do good deeds even at great personal sacrifice and suffering on behalf of this cause – serving as examples to young Christians in Titus’ care while making God’s grace attractive for all around him.

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