The Replacement – Election Of Matthias The Best Choice To Replace Judas (Acts 1:12-26)? There are two main things we can learn from Acts 1:13-14. The first thing is the purpose of their prayers. When they are praying, they should seek God’s will, not their own. In addition to seeking God’s will, they should pray for the well-being of others. If they pray only for themselves, they will not have the opportunity to see the benefits of their prayers.
Two Things We Can Learn From Acts 1:13-14
The importance of praying
The book of Acts records the prayer meeting of Jesus’ followers’ Acts 1:14. They have been tasked with bearing witness to Jesus in Jerusalem. Their first public gathering is described as a prayer meeting. The devotion to prayer characterizes the church in this book. Throughout the book, the believers prayed for the Holy Spirit. This prayer didn’t mean that they lacked faith in God’s promise. It shows confidence that they could fulfill God’s will.
Jesus’ disciples prayed constantly. They waited in Jerusalem for the promise of God to come to them. They were of one mind and body. They prayed together with women. Even Jesus’ mother was part of their praying company. Jesus’ brothers scoffed at him throughout his ministry, yet he was surrounded by his mother and other disciples who prayed with him. In these dark hours, prayer meetings are invaluable.
Jesus’ disciples prayed in a room on the second floor. The disciples were Peter, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew. Judas, Simon, and Mary joined them. The apostles continued to pray in the city’s upper room. The disciples were also joined by some women, including Mary, the mother of Jesus. The disciples then continued to pray until the sun went down. And Jesus’ mother continued to intercede.
The objective of their prayers
The disciples were giving themselves to prayer, in both private and collective, as they prepared to begin their new ministry. They were in a time of trouble and danger, but they remained dedicated to prayer because it silences our worries and fears. The company prayed together in the upper room.
As they prayed, they had a specific goal in mind: to find a replacement for Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus and hanged himself Matthew 27:3-14. The replacement will literally change the world. In this way, they will fulfill the commission to go forth and spread the gospel to the whole world. However, it won’t be until later that the disciples can see that Jesus has ascended and is with them.
Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk. Regardless of the circumstances in which we live, we need to pray to achieve the will of God. The right prayers can move the work forward and accomplish God’s purposes.
What were the requirements to be considered a replacement for Judas?
Acts 1:21-22 21 So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us—one of these men must become with us a witness to his resurrection.”
Matthias Was Considered a Substitute For Judas
First, a person must have been a disciple of Jesus during his earthly ministry Acts 1:21. Second, he must have seen Jesus resurrected in Acts 1:22. These requirements were met, and the apostles were narrowed down to two men: Matthias and Justus or Joseph Barsabbas.
Primary Role of the Replacement in Acts 1:22
It’s difficult to know how to describe the primary role of the replacement in Acts 1:22 without giving away the character of the original group. The apostles, however, believed it was necessary to have a replacement for Judas because of the upcoming messianic kingdom, where twelve thrones would rule over the twelve tribes of Israel. This would mean that the twelve disciples would be equal to eleven in ministry.
What Do We Know about Matthias?
The name Matthias means “gift of God.” The Apostle Matthias replaced Judas as one of Jesus’ Twelve Apostles. He was one of the 72 disciples sent forth by Jesus to preach the good news. Matthias stayed with Jesus from his baptism and witnessed His Resurrection. He died a martyr’s death, but he was a worthy replacement. What do we know about Matthias? And why does Matthias play such a significant role in the ministry of Jesus?
As a young man, Matthias was chosen as an apostle by a secret vote, a process known as a “lot.” He was the most suitable candidate and the others were women. The women remained with Jesus during his crucifixion, but Matthias was considered more deserving by the apostles than they were. Matthias had a unique gift for preaching, and his words were effective. In fact, he even managed to convert a few people to the faith in Christ.
Scripture provides us with a glimpse into the life of Matthias. He was an apostle at the time of Pentecost, and he embraced all the teachings of Jesus. He was willing to give his life in order to further the Gospel. He studied the Law of God under Simeon and accompanied Jesus after his baptism. He was among the 72 disciples that Jesus sent forth. While the details about Matthias are thin, we can gather some important things about this man from his life story.
Why Didn’t the Disciples Choose Paul?
When Judas betrayed the Lord, the Apostles prayed and cast lots to decide who would be the next apostle. Matthias was chosen by God, and Paul was not. Matthias was a disciple of Jesus, and his appointment didn’t affect Paul’s ministry.
The apostles were told to wait until Pentecost to choose the replacement for Judas. But Jesus wanted his disciples to have the experience of the Holy Spirit before fulfilling the great commission. Matthias had the right qualifications, but the apostles had to choose a disciple who was willing to witness Jesus’ words and actions. The disciples had a tough decision to make, but God answered their prayers. Matthias’ choice fit God’s will and the scripture perfectly.
Why Did They Cast Lots?
The question of “Why Did They Cast Lots to Choose Matthias to Replace Judas? Is one that many Christians grapple with. The ancient tradition of casting lots, which had its roots in the Bible, was often interpreted as an attempt to find the will of God, but what actually happened? Why did the apostles cast lots? We may never know. But we do know that the apostles were not acting on their own.
When the apostles decided to appoint Matthias to be the successor to Judas, they sought guidance from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had to come into the earth before they could be fully effective apostles. Peter, the leader of the apostles, decided to use a decision-making process that was common in the Old Testament. Matthias’ parents trusted that God had chosen him, which is perhaps one of the reasons why Matthias had a dream of Jesus. This dream would lead some unbelievers to believe in Christ.
Jesus chose a small group of twelve apostles to serve with him for three years. One of them, called Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus and later murdered himself. The remaining disciples then gathered to choose Matthias as his replacement. Peter nominated two men, Joseph Barsabbas and Matthias. After casting lots, they prayed for guidance. Matthias was chosen.
Why Does This Matter?
Matthias is often misunderstood as one of Jesus’ disciples. The truth is, he never got a call from Jesus but was instead chosen by other disciples to replace Judas Iscariot. Judas, of course, betrayed Jesus and later killed himself. This left no room for miraculous intervention. Matthias, however, did play a larger role in the spread of the gospel than did his predecessor.
The remaining disciples agreed to replace Judas with a new apostle. This new apostle would have to have been with the apostles throughout Jesus’ ministry and must have been present for the ascension. Peter proposed to cast lots to determine which candidate would be the right choice for the role. The two candidates were chosen by casting lots.
As part of the process of deciding who should be an Apostle, the remaining eleven apostles met and decided upon Matthias. Matthias was the only member of the group who was not chosen by Jesus while he was on earth.
Lessons we can learn
The Apostle Peter explained that Matthias’s choice to replace Judas Iscariot comes from the Scriptures. Peter reminded the Jerusalem Church of the Bible and applied the words to the position of Judas Iscariot. The New Testament contains no objections to Matthias’s selection. Judas Iscariot’s replacement had to meet strict requirements and must have been in the church from the beginning.
The apostles prayed for a replacement for Judas Iscariot. Peter had laid out the criteria for who would be the successor to Judas. Matthias was chosen from among the twelve apostles. He was selected over Justus, who had previously sworn loyalty to Jesus.
Matthias’s choice to replace Judas is significant. Jesus chose twelve apostles, each with a symbolic role. Matthias was one of these men, and he accompanied the Lord from Baptism to Ascension. This is significant because Matthias’s role in ministry was not the same as Judas’. Matthias’ choice to replace Judas has important implications for the entire Church.
Why Was Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas?
If you are one of the disciples of Jesus, you may have wondered why Matthias was chosen to replace Judas. Did Jesus personally choose Matthias or was he chosen by the other disciples? The Bible tells us that Judas betrayed Jesus and died soon after, but why was Matthias chosen to replace him? This question will be discussed in this article. Read on to find out!
The disciples were gathered together to choose a new apostle, and they were given two options: Joseph called Barsabbas and Matthias. Both met the requirements, but the disciples prayed to God to give them discernment. God knows the hearts of all men, so He chose Matthias. Acts 1:21-26 reveals that Matthias was chosen to replace Judas because of his faithfulness to the Lord.
To be chosen to replace Judas, he must be a disciple of Jesus from the beginning. The new apostle must fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus, namely, to be an apostle of His resurrection. Jesus had told his disciples to go into the world and witness the resurrection of Jesus. The disciples would share the good news of Christ’s sacrifice. Matthias was chosen to replace Judas because he had the qualities to fulfill these tasks.
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