Bible Reading: Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
The psalmist was tempted to envy the wealth of the wicked, but he resisted this temptation. He resolved to hold fast to the principle that God is the strength of my heart. Good thoughts of God are impregnable, and they fortify us against Satan’s temptations. However, even the strongest believer can be shaken. Storms and persecutions can try the firmest anchors.
In the book of Revelation, we are told that the devil is about to cast some Christians into prison for ten days. But if we remain faithful, we will receive the crown of life, which we desperately need in this life. The fiery trials of faith should not shock us; rather, we should be encouraged that we are sharing Christ’s suffering and that His glory will be revealed to us in the end.
If you are like most Christians, you have been through some of the most painful things in life. You have been through floods, fires, and flames, but God was with you through it all. This assurance makes it possible to face your fears without losing hope. This assurance is vital to our success. It can be a great strength to face the trials of life. There are no fears of death when God is your strength.
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The Psalmist wrote: “God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” He understood that the world is part of God and that He is the source of all goodness. He understood that the wicked are on a slippery slope to destruction, while the righteous are on a straight path to eternal bliss. No matter what the world is like, we are a part of God. He is our part and our strength.
Asaph saw the wicked prosper, and he wondered why they did not suffer the same fates. The evil men seemed to be unaffected by their sins, while the godly remained poor and downtrodden. Asaph began to lose hope in God and started to wonder why the world was so unfair. Despite his faith in God, the wicked were prospering, and he began to lose hope.
The people around him were thriving and grew in wealth. They were rich and popular and had foul mouths and arrogance. Asaph’s life was not in vain, but he did not have anything to boast about. But as he continued to serve God, he was encouraged to see His blessings and success. His heart was full of joy and hope.
Asaph also observed the evil in the world. He saw how the godly flourished. They had crooked schemes, foul mouths, and a sense of entitlement. While Asaph led a good and honorable life, he had to watch these people grow up. He felt that his life was unjust and that God had no place for such people.
In 1 Samuel, we are told that Hannah wanted to have a child more than anything. She was downhearted and felt that she was missing something. Elkanah, her uncle, tried to console her and gave her a double portion. The child she longed for was the only thing she needed. Asaph’s love for God was her strength, and he could not live without him.
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In the Bible, God’s presence is present in our lives. In the Old Testament, we read that the people of the Bible have been punished by the ungodly. In the New Testament, we read about the Jews who are oppressed in the Middle East. The prophets of the Lord feared evil because they fear their Creator. And the people of the Bible are the light of the universe.
The people of God are the strength of their hearts. The Bible says that the Spirit of God reveals the goodness of the world in the people it has created. By believing in the words of God, we have confidence in Him. The blood of Christ cleanses the heart. By faith, the Spirit of God gives us a hearty resolution. We are determined to live holily, and we are devoted to keeping the ordinances of the Lord.
This passage is an important reminder for us as believers. When we believe in the blood of Christ, our hearts are purified. The Spirit of the Lord manifests himself in hearty resolution, purpose, the study of holiness, and blameless life. Our efforts to serve God are not in vain. We cannot lose faith in Him. He teaches us to live with faith, and his faithfulness is the foundation of our faith.
This passage tells us that a person’s faith in God should be in a position to believe in God’s word. In fact, it is impossible for a person to believe in God unless he believes in Him. Those who have the faith of Jesus are called by God, and the heart is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If we do not have faith in God, then we cannot believe in Him.
Bible Reading Psalm 73:26 Quote