He will wipe every tear from their eyes – Revelation 21:4
The Bible tells us that God has a heart for the suffering of his children (Psalm 147:3). It is one of the primary reasons we trust in Him, the only one who can restore life to broken people and their world.
When a person’s sin has brought him pain and sorrow, God reaches down to touch that heart with compassion and bind up the wounds of that person’s soul.
We can’t understand that until we have experienced it for ourselves. That’s why we wait with hope for the return of Jesus, a God who will put an end to all our tears and pain.
Throughout history, Christians have watched as the evil one has ruled over the world for a time until God stepped in to restore His creation. They have also cried out with sincere hearts to their God when injustice, depravity, pain and suffering are all around them.
So the question is, can anyone really say that this passage only applies to believers who died during The Great Tribulation? The answer is probably no.
That’s why we have to look at the context in Revelation and the other verses. There are a lot of death and destruction from the first six seals, but then there’s a break between them and a much more glorious time. This is a time when Jesus returns to earth and reclaims His lost tribes of Israel.