Bible Reading Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Bible Reading – How Do I Offer My Life to God?
Bible Reading Romans 12:1 says “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”. If you want to serve God, you must surrender your life to Him. As Jesus’ parents did, you have to bring your body to the temple. In a similar way, you must let go of your carnal nature and deal with your flesh. To offer your entire being to God, you must give up your worldly ways. In other words, you must deny yourself and follow the way of the Lord.
The first step in offering your life to God is to make yourself a living sacrifice. The Bible teaches us that we should offer our whole selves to God. This means sacrificing all aspects of ourselves – body, intellect, gifts, skills, and knowledge – to Him. We also have to offer our hearts to God without using our gifts or gloating on our own merit. This means we have to deny our own lusts.
We must also make ourselves available to God. Our master demands that we serve him in everything we do. This is our responsibility as Christians. Our lives are a living sacrifice for the Lord. As Christian, our lives are a living sacrifice to Him. As such, we should not be conformed to this world. Instead, we should adopt godly attitudes and values, and show how much we love and serve God.
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Bible Reading – Give Your Life to God
When we say, “give your life to God,” we are making an agreement to trust God. In doing this, we place our trust in His word and his power to protect us. By trusting him, we stop relying on human imperfection, and we trust that He is paving the way for us. When we place our value in God and His words, we begin to live a life worth living.
When we give our hearts to God, we stop worrying about the things we cannot control and begin to trust Him. We stop worrying about broken relationships, our future, and other concerns, and we begin to trust in His ways. We learn to put our faith in God’s word and surrender our lives to His plan and will. We learn to trust Him for protection and peace, and we learn that nothing will be the same again.
When we trust God, we have peace of mind. Our minds and hearts are protected by the peace of God. We should not act out of selfish ambition or conceit, but instead, we should look out for the interests of others. We should know that the LORD is our everlasting, understanding God, and He will guide us. We can have a peaceful, prosperous life. We can have our heart’s desire and be happy no matter what. Our lives are filled with joy and happiness, and we can have the hope and strength to endure all kinds of challenges.
Bible Reading Romans 12:1 Quotes
Bible Reading – Make Jesus Lord of Your Life
Do you want to know what it means to make Jesus Lord of your life? Many Christians ask themselves the same question. This question is very important. You must surrender your life to Christ if you truly want Him to rule over your entire being. But how do you do that? Here are some tips that will help you make Jesus the Lord of your heart and your whole being. Let’s start with the definition of “Lordship.”
Making Jesus Lord means putting Him first in your life. It means laying down your will to follow Him, denying yourself of anything else. It means putting your life at His feet. In fact, this verse tells us that we are not to be selfish or petty. God will not allow us to sin or fall, so we must put Him first. As a result, we need to be humble before Him.
It means giving your life over to God. The Bible says that Jesus is the Lord of all. He is the Sovereign and the creator of everything. He knows how to run things better than you do. It means surrendering all your control and allowing Him to govern your life. It is not easy to give over your will, but it is very important. It will help you to be more obedient to God.
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