Counting the Cost – Luke 14:28-30

Counting the Cost Luke 142830

Counting the cost of obedience to God is a good lesson to learn and apply to our lives. When we make a commitment to obeying God and His Word, we are saying that we will put God’s word first in our lives and our children. As we do that, we will put our possessions and family at a second place. That way, we will be able to see the real cost of being a Christian, apostasy, and even spiritual death.

Putting family and possessions second

Putting family and possessions second is the holy grail of living a good life. The best thing is it’s not as hard as you may have thought. You will have to do it one day but it is well worth the effort. And the rewards are plentiful. It’s all in the spirit of God and Jesus. If you’re ready to start, here are some resources. We’re sure you’ll find the answers to your questions.

If you’re wondering where to start, try your local church. They’re a great place to get started and you can learn some valuable life lessons along the way. Try out the small group or drop in for a free breakfast, and you’ll be glad you did. If you can’t make the church, try a local gym, yoga, or even a park. If you are lucky, you might just find a group of similar minds who will share your interests.

Making a commitment to the highest possible cost

One of the more notable tidbits from the gospel of Luke is the fact that Jesus uses the phrase “best” at least three times. This is probably because he is addressing two types of audiences: the Jews and the Gentiles. Regardless, the question remains: what is the best way to be a disciple?

The good news is that there are numerous ways to do it, and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out which one works for you. The most important aspect of all of these is that it involves an honest-to-goodness commitment to Christ. That is not to say that you cannot give up a few of your favorite vices, but if you don’t do it in the name of Christ, you are doomed to regret it. In a world rife with self-serving, self-righteous Christians, Jesus has a better plan.

In the spirit of transparency, the Gospel of Luke does not offer much in the way of intermediate dealings with the Gentiles. It does, however, tell a tale in two parts. While it does not offer a direct line of communication between the Jewish and Gentile communities, it does provide a useful primer on what it is to be a true follower of the Man. For those interested in pursuing a life of service, this chapter is a must-read.

Applying God’s Word to your children

If you are a parent who has a Christian background, you may want to consider applying God’s Word to your children. You will find that this practice has many benefits.

When a family applies God’s Word to their lives, they often find that it brings greater unity and happiness in their home. They also tend to experience greater spirituality and joy in field service.

A good way to apply God’s Word to your children is to set a schedule for reading the Bible together. By making it a habit, you will get your kids into a routine for listening and responding.

Another great way to apply God’s Word to your kids is to help them pray. Children can ask questions and have concerns that can be addressed by praying Scripture.

Another way to apply God’s Word to your family is to share what you learn with them. The Bible is full of information and experiences that you can share with your kids.

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