arrest of peter and john

The Arrest of Peter and John – Acts 4:1-22

The Jewish leaders had disapproved of Jesus’ mission and were enraged by the fact that his disciples were healing They feared that their continued preaching would implicate them in the murder of As a result, they threatened Peter…


Thank God in Advance for Your Breakthrough: 2 Chronicles 20:21

It doesn’t take much faith to thank God in advance for your Just as Joshua prayed in advance of his army’s battle, so too should As you pray in advance, you’ll show God how much you believe in…

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Peter’s Second Sermon – Acts 3:12-26

Both Peter’s Pentecost sermon and Peter’s Second Sermon are wonderful examples of the power of the Both preach the truth and call people to Peter’s sermon defines Jesus as a servant of God, a holy and righteous man,…

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Don’t Give Up When Times Get Tough! – 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Don’t Give Up When Times Get Tough! This scripture from the Bible tells us that our God is with us We need to focus on His promises and remain thankful for what we We can never lose hope,…

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Peter and John Before the Council: Acts 4:1-22

  When the church began to have exponential growth in Jerusalem, it came under intense scrutiny from Jewish They feared people would begin to see Christianity as a threat and that it would lead to an So they…

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The Healing of the Lame Man in Acts 3:1-10

The story of the lame man is often a good one for explaining the nature of the Kingdom of Oftentimes, healing stories are not at all literal, concealing theological themes behind the story’s mystical, eschatological, and theological Peter,…

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Why Faithful People Are Persistent People: Galatians 6:9

The Bible describes faithful people as those who are consistent in their commitment to their responsibilities and They distrust the testimony of the devil and pursue God’s will for their But what exactly is the meaning of being…


The Beginning of the Church – Acts 2:42-47

The Beginning of the Church: The church begins with Verse 42 lists the basic parts of worship: the teaching of the apostles, the breaking of bread, and the Lord’s Besides worship, there is also the prayer, a period…


Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World: Philippians 1:12

Your Weaknesses Shape Your Witness to the World: The word politeuomai means to live like a The Roman soldiers spent years of their lives gaining It gave them honor, rights, and Paul’s life was no However,…

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The Conversion of 3000 Souls – Acts 2:37-41

The Conversion of 3000 Souls: The story begins with Jesus’ public preaching of the gospel to a group of Those who were receptive to Jesus’ message were baptized, and three thousand souls were added to the Church that