Heaven and earth intermingled. Maybe that’s how Naomi felt. Her family emigrated to Moab, but while there her husband Elimelech died. Although his two sons married Moabites, they both died childlessly. He seems defeated when he returns to Bethlehem with his daughter-in-law Ruth. That’s why he said, “Almighty God has left me to suffer” (Ruth 1:20).
But God did not abandon Naomi through her daughter-in-law Ruth. Ruth chose to join Naomi’s people (Ruth 1:16-17). He worked in the fields for both of them (Ruth 2:1-3), and he obeyed Naomi’s order so that she could remarry a kinsman redeemer (Ruth 3:1-5). Not long after, Ruth married Boaz and blessed them with a son, Obed (Ruth 4:13-14).
The women’s prayer to Naomi came true that her grandson would be famous and that it would provide comfort in his old age. It is also true that his daughter-in-law Ruth helped him a lot. The son of Ruth and Boaz, Obed, was the father of Jesse, the father of King David (Ruth 4:17). And from the line of King David came Jesus Christ, the Messiah (Matthew 1:5-17).
Sometimes, because of life’s trials, we feel that God has forgotten us. But like Naomi’s story, God never abandons us. Even if we cannot see the fulfillment of His promise or the outcome of the trial we are going through, we can hope that God is with us. And if we continue to trust and follow His Word, what we will achieve is truly a blessing that is more than this world can give.
Lord, thank you for being faithful. You do not leave us in the midst of trials. Open our eyes when we see Your blessed hand. Help us to trust that You are good and love us even in the middle of the storm. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Instead of always thinking about what you grieve and complain about in life, look for God’s promises in the Bible. Trust in God’s goodness and wisdom. Don’t be bitter, but think that with Jesus, life can get better.